Friday, December 26, 2008

We Wish You A Merry Christmas

Happy Holidays! I am going into week 23. Things have been changing this week. The baby has been moving around A LOT...most of the day and night...doing somersaults and kicking and having a grand ol' time. It hasn't always been fun for back has been hurting more and I think I started getting Braxton Hicks contractions a couple of days ago. Yesterday David and I were on our normal hike to the beach and I got a huge uncomfortable cramp. Walking up the hill was easier than walking down, but when I got to the car I was not doing do well...lots of pain. The baby was kicking through it all so I am not sure what it was. He seemed to be sitting really low, but David put his hand were it hurt and within 5 minutes it was gone. I think the baby recognized his daddy's hand! I spent most of the night last night lying on my left side which seemed to be most comfortable. I've been okay today...a couple of aches and pains every now and again, but I am making sure to keep hydrated especially since it is so hot and muggy here! I have been getting cramps in my right foot and calf muscle. I am looking forward to my doctor's appointment in a couple of weeks to see what all this is about. Also, I start aquafitness classes in a little over a week so I am keen to see if that helps my back. Just trying to take it easy :)

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Insane In The Membrane

Sorry for the crap picture...I got a new computer and was testing out the inbuilt webcam and couldn't be bothered getting out the real camera...
I am 21 weeks and 2 days today. My belly seemed to grow overnight two nights ago and I yet again am scrounging for clothes...this time tops. I had my first appointment at the birthing centre which was really exciting! They said my due date was the 13th April (instead of the 27th), but I think they were smoking something because I know I haven't forgotten 2 weeks... according to my 12 week scan I should be due on the maybe she just got her numbers mixed up.
Baby is doing fine. I am doing fine... I signed up for Aquafitness classes starting 5 January to help with my lower back pain. My next appointment is on the 13th and I have an ultrasound scheduled for the 14th so it will be a fun week!
I am enjoying setting up the nursery. My office closes for 3 weeks over Christmas so I hope to get most of it done then. Jessica has agreed to do a mural for the room and I'll decorate off of whatever she does.
Latest cravings: anything antipasto...mmmmmmmmmmm I ordered some goodies from and I expect them today or tomorrow. Once they arrive I will be restocked up on Poptarts, and have the capabilities to make pumpkin pie!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Arriving Somewhere But Not Here

I went for a checkup today and to get the official results from the scan I had 3 weeks ago. Apparently because the baby wasn't in a good position at that scan, they couldn't see all they needed to see (i.e. fetal spine stuff) and I am scheduled for a rescan in Jan. He said it was nothing to worry about...very routine and everything else looked really good. I also made my first appointment with the birthing centre and obstetrician at the John Hunter Hospital...booked in for 2 weeks from yesterday. I have gained exactly 5 kilos during this pregnancy so far. They say you are supposed to gain between 12 - 15 I'm on target. AND my fundal height measurement is at 21 weeks...don't know what that means exactly, but it sounds like a good fun fact. He's kicking around a lot and is decidedly active when David plays him Porcupine Tree.

All's good here. Congratulations to my friends Peter and Sam on their new little addition, Christian, born a couple of days ago.

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Rockin' In The USA

Happy week 19! I have posted two pictures from my trip to America. I had SO much fun and loved visiting with my family and friends. It meant so much to share a part of my pregnancy with those close to my heart! I left America with an extra suitcase full of baby things! I have managed to put it all away today and do several loads of laundry. The first picture is of the toy box I bought today to put all of the little toys and books. My favourite toy is a monster that, when you squeeze it, it says "blaaaaaaa". Cracks me up every time.
The baby is still kicking away. He kicked all the way from Chicago to Tokyo and slept from Tokyo to Chicago, but when he heard his daddy's voice in Sydney he started kicking again. It was SO cute. The kicking is cute when it isn't on my kidneys or bladder. My kidneys are actually sore from it...but I love feeling it below my belly button. I have gained 4.7 kilos so far (roughly 10 lbs). Right on target.
I see my GP at the end of the week and get my referal to the birthing center and the obstetrician. EXCITING!
Again, thank you for a good time in America! I had a went fast...and I promised Myles all three of us will be back to visit before he turns 6.

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Yes Sir, That's My Baby

I have been slack...too much to do, too little time. I blinked and I missed it.
I had my anomaly scan today. Every thing looks good. Baby wasn't in a good position and not many of the pics that came back are worth sharing. I have 3 posted - hands, feet, and head with hands. Baby was being modest and no gender was determined. Aw. Maybe next time.
I'm feeling fine. Baby moves all the time and likes to aim for my bladder. Probably thinks it's pretty funny...
I leave for Indiana tomorrow morning. I can't wait to see everyone!!

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Break Me Off A Piece Of That...

Week picture. I pretty much look the same as I did last week. I finally bought 2 pair of maternity pants. They are SO comfy!! I had to go to the dentist last week also as I woke up with a horrific toothache. Luckily all they needed to do was fill it (and they filled two others while I was there). It took 3 shots to get me numb and I STILL could fill them drilling. Hypersensitivity... To comfort myself afterwards, I bought a maternity pillow. Bean seems to be doing well. Although I stand sister points out that we are no longer dealing with a bean, but a kit kat, so the name should be changed. SO...Kit Kat is an active one. I was listening to the heartbeat yesterday and it was just moving all over the place. And for the past couple of nights I have felt weird fluttering sensations in my belly. I think it could be Kit Kat...certainly doesn't feel like anything I've experienced before.

Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Hate Men

Happy Second Trimester! I seemed to have popped over last week....I went to the doctor today and everything looks good. Bean is taking over! I have only gained about 2 lbs...Doc said nothing to worry about. I guess it is all that hiking! And I was all upset this morning because none of my clothes fit anymore (and I was having an "I hate men" moment - all good now).
I find that if I don't drink enough water I get staggering headaches. I have been guzzling about 3 litres a day and am still thirsty by the time I go to bed. I have another ultrasound and checkup in 3 weeks right before I leave for the States to make sure everything is fine. Wouldn't want to be racking up the medical bills in the USA now, would I?? Can't wait to see everyone!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All Things Just Keep Getting Better

It's been an exciting week! David and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. And I booked a plane ticket to come home for a visit at the end of November! Bean got his/her first present from Nana and Bawpaw...a little Taggie blanket. It is adorable. So soft!! And I bought Bean's first clothes are a bit addictive, aren't they! Because Bean was doing the jumping thing during the ultrasound earlier this week, when I saw this Tigger outfit it was too perfect to pass up!

I am feeling well. Mom sent a nice care package full of Reese's, Twizzler's, and Jolly Ranchers. And it looks like I will be able to finally have Noble Roman's breadsticks in about a month! WOOHOO!

Plus, one of my best friends Vanessa announced she has a little bub on the way!! Bean and I wish we were closer so they could grow together, but being pen pals will be fun, too!

Not to mention that Steven and Rob finally got married!! Congrats to them and Abbey Claire!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

They Call Him Flipper, Flipper...

What a better way to celebrate 12 weeks than to get a nuchal scan. David came with me and we saw the baby in there showing off. Bean (now referred to as Flipper) was doing this jump thing where he/she pushed off the uterus wall with it's legs and then floated back down and then would do it again. Then we got a couple of head stands... We could see a lot of things really clearly...head, feet, hands, spinal chord, stomach, heart, two brain hemispheres, and the diaphram which means the baby will be a mighty fine singer of course ;) Still too early to tell the sex - another 6 weeks or so.
Everything looks good and healthy. We are pleased. David found the heartbeat last Friday with the fetal doppler we bought off eBay. Good strong heartbeat...currently 164 bpm. Once we have a chance to record it, I'll post it.
I am feeling better than I have in weeks. My hormones are out of favourite commerical is one for paint which makes me cry everytime. Hmmmm. I also cleaned the entire house top to bottom including washing the walls and cupboards. Is that nesting because I KNOW that is not normal... Still can't sleep too well, but the urpy-ness seems to be settling down. Heartburn is returning with a vengence, and I am not that into Cheeseburgers anymore. Still would like a taste of those Noble Roman breadsticks though....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Sweet Tooth

Ah...week 11. Today is Labour Day here in Australia so everyone has the day off. It is grey and rainy so we are taking it easy. I went to the dentist last week for a checkup and they told me I needed 7 fillings and a root canal. Yeehaw. This week I give more blood and next Monday is our nuchal scan so there will hopefully be another ultrasound picture to post. Not much else to tell...I still feel a bit blech and have really sore boobs...especially the left one. The government in Australia is in the midst of passing a new law which will give me 18 weeks paid maternity leave and David 2 weeks paid paternity leave! I think that is awesome....go new law!

Monday, September 29, 2008

If You Want Blood (You Got It)

Sorry for the delay in posting...we have had internet problems to sort out. Here is my 9 week stomach shot. I haven't taken the 10 week one yet, but will later on tonight. News: I had 6 viles of blood drawn out of me last week. All good. And 1 today for the Nuchal screening...only to find out that I need to wait a week and a bit to give that blood so I have to go back again next week! ARGH! You know how much I love needles.... Nuchal screening is in 2 weeks from today. I am feeling alright...I feel a little sea sick and still think our house is trying to kill me. I finally got some American food...Poptarts, Golden Grahams, Salt Water Noble Romans breadsticks though. Someday...

Friday, September 19, 2008

Cheeseburgers In Paradise

I thought I'd post my 8 week stomach. A bit of a pooch...

But mostly what's been on my mind: Food. I have been craving Noble Roman's breadsticks like you wouldn't believe. In Australia they don't have orange cheese so there isn't even a possibility of me even being able to make them! ARGH! But some other interesting cravings...beef jerky, cheeseburgers (I haven't eaten red meat since 1999)...they have those here. I'd like bagel bites, pop tarts, reese peanut butter cups, chicken salad on a bagel from Lics, my mom's homemade chilli....none of which I can get here! This baby definitely has some American in her! I say her...I am convinced it is a her... David is convinced it is a him... one of my best friends Jill had this prediction: "You are gonna have a girl. She will be born on April 24 and she will be a Taurus, and very reliable, but stubborn. She will want to sleep in her own bed all the time and will be very picky about formulas and food. She will keep kicking you in the rib when you are 35 weeks, and it will only be one rib because that is her position and you are going to deal with it no matter how many times you try to rearrange your belly. And then after you give birth you are going to miss that little heel that always stuck in your side when you sat down in the car." Jill is awesome.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Yummy Yummy Yummy (I Got Love In My Tummy)

Yes, yes, it's true. The girl who insisted she would NEVER get married much less have kids is now 4 years married come October and expecting! And we couldn't be happier. Our little bean is in there getting ready to make his/her debut performance due on 27th April. I am 8 weeks and 2 days along according to my first ultrasound that I had today. It was really exciting...I heard and saw the heart beating (173 bpm - old wives tale says this means it will be a girl). Because so many of my friends and family are so far away, I thought I would keep you up to date on how things are going via blog...hopping on the baby train and the blog train all in one week...phew! Will try to post at least twice a week. Stay tuned...