Sunday, October 26, 2008

I Hate Men

Happy Second Trimester! I seemed to have popped over last week....I went to the doctor today and everything looks good. Bean is taking over! I have only gained about 2 lbs...Doc said nothing to worry about. I guess it is all that hiking! And I was all upset this morning because none of my clothes fit anymore (and I was having an "I hate men" moment - all good now).
I find that if I don't drink enough water I get staggering headaches. I have been guzzling about 3 litres a day and am still thirsty by the time I go to bed. I have another ultrasound and checkup in 3 weeks right before I leave for the States to make sure everything is fine. Wouldn't want to be racking up the medical bills in the USA now, would I?? Can't wait to see everyone!

Thursday, October 16, 2008

All Things Just Keep Getting Better

It's been an exciting week! David and I celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary on Wednesday. And I booked a plane ticket to come home for a visit at the end of November! Bean got his/her first present from Nana and Bawpaw...a little Taggie blanket. It is adorable. So soft!! And I bought Bean's first clothes are a bit addictive, aren't they! Because Bean was doing the jumping thing during the ultrasound earlier this week, when I saw this Tigger outfit it was too perfect to pass up!

I am feeling well. Mom sent a nice care package full of Reese's, Twizzler's, and Jolly Ranchers. And it looks like I will be able to finally have Noble Roman's breadsticks in about a month! WOOHOO!

Plus, one of my best friends Vanessa announced she has a little bub on the way!! Bean and I wish we were closer so they could grow together, but being pen pals will be fun, too!

Not to mention that Steven and Rob finally got married!! Congrats to them and Abbey Claire!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

They Call Him Flipper, Flipper...

What a better way to celebrate 12 weeks than to get a nuchal scan. David came with me and we saw the baby in there showing off. Bean (now referred to as Flipper) was doing this jump thing where he/she pushed off the uterus wall with it's legs and then floated back down and then would do it again. Then we got a couple of head stands... We could see a lot of things really clearly...head, feet, hands, spinal chord, stomach, heart, two brain hemispheres, and the diaphram which means the baby will be a mighty fine singer of course ;) Still too early to tell the sex - another 6 weeks or so.
Everything looks good and healthy. We are pleased. David found the heartbeat last Friday with the fetal doppler we bought off eBay. Good strong heartbeat...currently 164 bpm. Once we have a chance to record it, I'll post it.
I am feeling better than I have in weeks. My hormones are out of favourite commerical is one for paint which makes me cry everytime. Hmmmm. I also cleaned the entire house top to bottom including washing the walls and cupboards. Is that nesting because I KNOW that is not normal... Still can't sleep too well, but the urpy-ness seems to be settling down. Heartburn is returning with a vengence, and I am not that into Cheeseburgers anymore. Still would like a taste of those Noble Roman breadsticks though....

Sunday, October 5, 2008

My Sweet Tooth

Ah...week 11. Today is Labour Day here in Australia so everyone has the day off. It is grey and rainy so we are taking it easy. I went to the dentist last week for a checkup and they told me I needed 7 fillings and a root canal. Yeehaw. This week I give more blood and next Monday is our nuchal scan so there will hopefully be another ultrasound picture to post. Not much else to tell...I still feel a bit blech and have really sore boobs...especially the left one. The government in Australia is in the midst of passing a new law which will give me 18 weeks paid maternity leave and David 2 weeks paid paternity leave! I think that is awesome....go new law!