Today I am 31 weeks and 4 days. I was hoping to have some professional pics to post as on Wednesday I had photoshoot done....there was an ad in the paper for a model 7-9 months pregnant and I got the job! So I got paid to have my pregnant shots done. Awesome! Haven't gotten them back yet so stay tuned. I am convinced that the baby knew he was being photographed...he just kept wriggling!! As soon as the photographer found a position that looked good and was about to take the picture, the baby would move and my belly would totally take on a different shape. HAHA! He is either a shy one or a diva.
Also had another appointment at the hospital on Tuesday. The midwives HATE me for some reason. I never feel like they are giving me enough information. This time it was "your blood pressure is low (88/50), go get some bloodwork done, see you in 4 weeks" and I was out the door on my way to pathology. In 4 weeks I will be 35 weeks along....not sure I feel 100% comfortable, but I guess they know what they're doing, right?
So, yes, I have low blood pressure. The biggest danger is that I could pass out at any time so I have to be really careful and stay hydrated. I did my glucose test and was tested again for anemia. I was such a brave girl getting my blood drawn. It didn't hurt at all and surprisingly I wasn't even nervous.
I am being plagued by pregnancy niggles...the worst offender is Restless Legs Syndrome (or HeeBeeJeeBees as my mom calls it). It comes on as soon as I get into bed and I pretty much can't sleep at all...between that and having to pee 4 times a night. I usually can get to sleep around 6 in the morning and can sleep until about 10 (if I can manage to work it in with my busy schedule), but otherwise what sleep. I still have horrible indigestion, leg cramps, back ache, breathlessness, and am stuck wearing a maternity belt most of the time because the little guy is right in front and pulling on my abdomen.
In other news, we are moving house tomorrow. I am really excited. There is tons more room....master bed, nursery, guest room, a study for David and a studio for me, plus a HUGE lounge room, dining room, kitchen, bathroom, and internal laundry...double car garage as well. All 3 bedrooms have ceiling fans! The packing and cleaning is hard...but I am glad that David has 5 of his friends coming to do the heavy lifting tomorrow and Bianca my pregnant friend is coming to keep me company and help decorate.
We're counting down the days...3 weeks until my Gershwin recital and confirmation hearing, 6 weeks left of teaching, 7 weeks of work and 8 until I give birth. Then after that 4 weeks until my family gets here! It'll go quickly.