Sunday, March 15, 2009

Beginning To See The Light

Happy 34 weeks to us! I have to keep reminding myself there is a light at the end of this uncomfortable, bloated tunnel. Some people like to call it childbirth. I like to call it mecca.
Important events in the last two weeks include (yes, I do realize it has been that long since I last posted something):
We have successfully moved house. The new house is great! I love it! Still working on the guest room and the nursery so no exclusive photo tours just yet. But I did post the view from our front porch. That blue bit under the sky is the ocean. The picture doesn't do it justice, but we have gorgeous ocean views and the ocean breeze is nice. We are about 5 km from the ocean now. I also threw in a picture of the glider chair and ottoman I won off eBay over the weekend. It is so comfy. Night time feedings here we come...
Nextly, a week ago I lost my job. My boss had to downsize due to the economic downturn so maternity leave has unexpectedly started early.
Next on the list, I am giving my second Masters Degree Concert on Thursday. I don't know why I thought it would be okay to plan, rehearse, and pull this off at 34 weeks lung capacity is extremely limited and kicks to the diaphragm make singing interesting. Plus, I sing the baby 5 songs every day and am doing one at the concert...every time I sing it the baby recognizes it and moves around. Cute for an at home thing, but not so conducive to degree recitals. A week from today I attend my one year confirmation hearing - this is where I have to defend my thesis as a halfway evaluation point.
Finally, as we were unpacking boxes a couple of weekends ago I came across an old ultrasound report that I hadn't read. It turns out that there was/is a sizable cyst on my left ovary that NO ONE BOTHERED TO TELL ME ABOUT. A little freaked out, I called and made an appointment with a doctor at the hospital...yes, I had to specify that I wanted a doctor and NOT a midwife (AKA evil women). The doctor said it is probably nothing to worry about because in the more recent ultrasound reports it appears to be shrinking, but there is nothing they can do now and they'll take another scan postpartum to check on it.
I am feeling pretty crappy lately. Bloated, swollen, increasingly worse heartburn, and the most horrible of it all Restless Leg Syndrome. The baby is doing fine. He wiggles and moves and likes to stick his extremities in my ribs and hip bones all the while reeking havoc on my bladder. Poor kid...has no where to go. I bet he'll be happy when he can stretch out!
If everybody could do one thing for me...send over a thought that this baby is as impatient as his mommy and let's make this an early birth!

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