Picture from the front:
Picture from the side:
What's up with that?
This is going to be a whingey blog so if you are easily annoyed by whining please avert your eyes.
I'd really like for this baby to come. Now. Seriously. I have tried to remain useful in life as long as I possibly could and now I am relinquishing responsibility to my all too willing and capable husband. I can't go grocery shopping...hell, I can't even check the mail without needing a nap afterward. I'm okay with making dinner...as long as I can make it in less than 5 minutes or in 5 minute stints. Here is my typical day:
Wake up
Shower, Dress, Breakfast, Check Emails
Lunch, Load of Laundry (at which time I start cramping in my groin, legs and back and decide that crawling up the stairs might be easier than walking forgetting that once I'm down, I'm down...there's no getting up by myself)
Reading for Masters Degree
Try To Make Dinner
Eat Dinner
Watch Countless Hours of Horrible TV
However...when I get to bed this is when the heartburn and RLS starts up and I usually lay there for hours before I can even manage to start falling asleep. Not to mention, the 6 times a night I have to wake up to pee.
In the meantime, whenever I do make it out into public (with the help of my husband) I get comments like "I wish I had a pin so I could pop you"... I appreciate the sentiment, but please! you are a stranger. You don't get to make big pregnant lady comments to me.
The baby seems quite happy though. He is constantly on the move, all in my ribs and back and sides and hips and bladder. I am in constant fear that he might just fall out whenever I walk. He hiccups at least 5 times a day. When he sleeps, he sleeps like his dad...all sprawled out all over the place.
The doctor's appointment was a quick one this week - they were really busy in there. I have two next week - one on Tuesday and one on Thursday.
Here are measurement stats (Mom's request):
At 37 weeks and 4 days, I weigh 77kg (170lbs); my bust is 110cm (43in); my waist (or what used to be my waist) is 106cm (41.5in); and my hips are 110cm (43in).
Pre-pregnancy: I weighed 60kg (132lbs); my bust was 97cm (38in); my waist was 71.5cm (28in); and my hips were 97cm (38in).
I am officially all tuckered out now. It is time for my morning nap. This afternoon I am going to try and make Snickerdoodle Blondies. For my other blog: http://www.mymothermakesthebestdesserts.blogspot.com