36 weeks and 4 days along...and I got my hair done. Can't be looking horrible for those birthing pics...hopefully the color fades a bit in the next couple of weeks. I think it's a bit TOO dark and mysterious. Don't want the kid to be frightened upon arrival!
Doctor's appointment yesterday: not much to tell. Everything looks good, heartbeat is strong, growing as he should, fully engaged...but I could have told you that with the way he is bouncing around on my bladder and the way it feels like he might fall out when I walk around too much. I don't think he ever sleeps - always squirming and always has a foot in my ribs. We can't wait to meet him. If he is already fully engaged does that mean he'll come early? Hope so...
We finally came up with a backup name...and we like the backup name better than our original name. So it's all up in the air. I guess you'll have to wait until we name him when we see him to find out who we're dealing with. Middle name stays at Wayne...it's the first name that's up for grabs.
Bags are packed; hopefully the nursery will be finished off this weekend... now we play the waiting game. Hope the heat buggers off soon...
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