We celebrated Mothers Day on Sunday by breakfast in bed and a trip to the Farmers Market. Then while Jackson napped, David and I watched Sherlock Holmes (excellent movie by the way). Thank you for making me a mommy, Jackson my sweet little boy!

We have spent a lot of time this week in the car as David lost his license and I am now the dedicated driver. Luckily, Jackson is quite amiable and as long as he has his juice cup and some music on he'll go along for the ride.
On Tuesday, on the way home from taking Daddy to work, we stopped at a nearby park and had some fun on the swings.

Jackson also spent about 45 minutes just crawling around the park exploring. Lately he has been into sharing (he'll turn your hand over and put whatever he's got into it and just smile). Well, he dug me up a rock and took great delight in presenting it to me.

Friday as I was cleaning the house, Jackson discovered how easy it was to open up the kitchen cabinets. I made sure the one with the cleaning supplies was nice and secure and let him have at it coming back into the kitchen every couple of minutes to check on him. He had a ball!

Then on Friday night Jackson decided to pull out all the stops and walk about 6 feet for us... twice! He was so proud of himself. We have tried to get him to do it again, but he likes to do things on his own time.
He is talking a lot more. He says the word "duck" now... it is more like "dut", but he knows about what he is talking. At swim lessons he was playing with a dolphin and kept calling it a dut... close! And the scary thing is he understands A LOT. He can locate the fan, mama, dada, dut, octopus, books, blocks, snack, juice amongst a lot of other things... and sometimes when David and I are talking, he laughs in the appropriate place. Clever boy! And I swear he said "Bapa" while we were looking at his pictures the other day.
Food: he's nearly weaned off of all baby food. He still has applesauce and custard for lunch, but otherwise it's whatever we are eating. It is so much easier that way. His new favorite food is rice cakes with cream cheese. Yum!
He is just a sweet little boy. And so clever! I mean... look at this downward dog!

It's official! I can talk about it now. We have told my students... that we are moving to Indiana on June 14! That is 28 days from today. 4 more swimming lessons; 3 more weeks of teaching and I am sure it will go very fast as we are so busy! This coming weekend we are heading to David's sister's house in Taree to watch David's band play and then Sunday we are going to watch The Wizard Of Oz (I have 3 students in it). The weekend following David has 2 gigs and we have our garage sale. The weekend following is my studio showcase. And the weekend following is our last weekend here and Julian's birthday party. Throw in a couple of doctor's appointments and the seminar I have to give at the University and wooooosh! Watch it fly by!
I am so excited to be back near friends and family. I can't wait to see Kristi's shows and Myles's baseball games and go to birthday dinners and be able to see my Grandmother in the hospital if she decides to give us all a fright. I am excited to be a part of the lives that were so special to me before I left. I know it will take time to re-integrate myself and it won't be the same because people change in 6 years. But I do know that nothing will be taken for granted this time around. Maybe I needed 6 years away to learn that lesson. I'm not saying that I haven't enjoyed my time in Australia. It is beautiful here and I wouldn't trade my experience for the world. I have gotten to do something that most people just dream of. However, it is time to go back home. AND most importantly, Jackson will get to know a loving network of people. Because here it is just David and I. And on a rare and special occasion a grandparent or mommy's only friend. And I don't feel that is enough. I don't feel that is fair to him. So Indiana, here we come! And I never thought I'd hear myself saying this... I'll be glad to see ya!
Starting the countdown.....NOW!
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