Saturday, February 26, 2011
Oh What A Beautiful Morning
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Forget You
Wednesday, February 23, 2011
Song 2
Here is what he looked like this time last year:
This post is a little later than I intended for it to be... last Thursday we were struck by the dreaded Stomach Bug. First Jackson got it. Then it went away. Then it made it's return. Then I got it. Then Dad. Then Mom. Then Mio. FINALLY yesterday we all went back to normal - daycare and work. That thing is horrible! Glad we are done with it!
So here is long overdue update on my little man, the almost two year old, Jackson Wayne!
One Tuesday afternoon before Valentine's Day after nap, we spent some time together while Samuel was sleeping making cookies. I had been looking forward to the time when I could bake with Jackson ever since I found out I was pregnant. Who doesn't like to make cookies with their Mom? So I brought out the step stool and the cookie cutters and we were off.
We even played "making cookies" while we were waiting on them to bake.
Speaking of Mommy Bliss...Jackson will now watch a feature length movie all the way through and react to it appropriately. We have watched Despicable Me and Cars so far. He laughs and says "ought oh", and likes to cheer on Lightning McQueen with a "Go Lightning McQueen"!
The rate at which he is developing amazes me. I really do love this age. Every day it is something new. His vocabulary increases so much on a daily basis. He now uses possessive nouns (i.e. Mommy's coat, Bapa's car, Samuel's bath) as well as the word "mine". A few days ago when he was not feeling well, I told him we would go buy the Cars Movie. He wanted to do that. I then asked him if he would like to eat breakfast. He said "No Mommy. Cars Movie." (Eventually he settled for some cereal before going). He now responds with yes or no. It is actually Yes (or Yeh as he says) way more than No so I am liking this stage so far.
He likes to color and can identify the colors red, green, orange and blue.
One Friday night we went to Chuck E Cheese to celebrate Myles's achievements in school. Jackson enjoyed riding on the rides, but really came alive when he learned how to navigate the playset and slide. He won the jackpot (with the help of Uncle Noel) twice. He ended up with 182 tickets. He shared them with Myles, but not before picking out his prize...crayons.
It has finally been warm enough to head outside to play. We brought out his tricycle and he has been learning to use the peddles to make himself go. I can't wait for the weather to be consistently more play-worthy! Fresh air makes everyone happier!
Jackson's love of books amazes me and makes me very happy. He likes to read, be read to, and he even sleeps with his books! One night after being put in bed, he asked for his Thomas book. Thinking he was going to read it while trying to fall asleep, I gave it to him. He then hugged it to his chest and closed his eyes. Stuffed animals? No way. Books? Yes, please!
I found him like this one night as I checked on him before heading to bed:
Just lately I pulled out the old chalkboard and alphabet magnets. He can identify an "o" correctly, and he likes to try and spell. Most all words include the letters "a", "e", and "double" (w).
Jackson has the sweetest personality and I love watching him become his own little person.
I love you, sweet pea!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Ultimate Mom "To Do" List
I received several gift cards for Christmas to Kohl's and Target to buy clothes. I was trying to hold out to use them until ALL the weight was gone. But I just couldn't anymore. I felt silly walking around in baggy maternity clothes. So I bought a pair of skinny jeans, 3 tops and a dress. I am really looking forward to expanding my wardrobe even more!
In other news, I am going to apply for a job within the EVSC school system for next year. In order to obtain my teaching license I must take the Praxis I and II exams. The Praxis I is a 4.5 hour exam on reading, writing, and math. And the Praxis II is a 2.5 hour exam on music. I'm currently going through the study guides...those are two exams I wouldn't want to take twice!
I'm also trying to forge ahead with my Masters Thesis. After the loss of my John Lennon notecards, I had been quite discouraged (still don't know what I'm going to do with that one). But my final recital is scheduled for the Spring and I am working on my opening chapter research. It will be such a relief to get this thing completed so I can finally read one of the 75 books on my Kindle that are for fun!
This is all certainly a challenge to accomplish while catering to a toddler and newborn and holding down 4 jobs. I seems that everyday I cross 5 things off of my to-do list and 10 more things appear. Speaking of, I'm teaching a voice lesson in a half an hour. I'd better make sure Samuel is fed, wake up Jackson and give him his snack, and change two diapers so there are no untimely interruptions! In the meantime, enjoy this little song by Hilary Weeks...
Tuesday, February 15, 2011
And speaking of, my sweet youngest baby is 2 months old today! I know this is a common sentiment with mothers, but geez that went fast!
His 2 month well check is not until next week so I don't have height and weight progress yet, but will post them when we get them.
Samuel is steadily working himself into a schedule. The past couple of nights I have been able to put him down awake and I don't hear from him until 3:30 or 4:00 when he nurses and then goes back down until 7:30. I hope this trend continues. He then takes three or four naps during the day with the longest one being in the afternoon.
He is becoming more aware of his surroundings every day and interacting with not only people but his toys. I love seeing his gummy smiles and hearing his precious coos.
Because the weather has tremendously improved, we have been spending most afternoons outdoors. Samuel got to go outside for the first time on Sunday and I think he enjoyed the sun and fresh air.
Samuel is now in cloth diapers full time (well, with the exception of night time). I love the cute designs and that his little bottom remains unscathed by diaper rash and redness.
I am also excited to finally have my diaper sprayer all set up.
He has learned to suck on his fist and blow bubbles.
And he can hold his head up for quite some time before he gets tired. We try to do some tummy time every day, but it isn't his most favorite thing to do.
All in all, he is doing quite well. He is a very easy going baby content to go along with whatever!
Samuel, you are truly a joy to have around and I love being your mommy!
Monday, February 14, 2011
Love Is In The Air
Yes, I realize that this is a holiday to mainly boost the sales of florists and jewelers, but I don't care. I'm a sucker for romance. I buy hook, line and sinker into the whole thing. I feel the magic in the air. Valentine's Day, to me, is the one holiday where people put aside their differences and celebrate love! What about Christmas, you ask... well, put religion into the mix...that's how wars are stared. How many wars are fought over religious beliefs? How many people in this world actually believe in Jesus? You don't have to believe in Jesus to believe in LOVE! Valentine's Day (despite it being originally a Catholic holiday, but removed from the Roman Calendar in 1969) is a day for every one. It is literally celebrated all over the world. Traditionally in most cultures, it is a day not only for romantic lovers, but a day to remember your friends.
So, on this day of love, I would like to share with you 20 things I love.
1. I love this man, my husband, my best friend, the father of my children.
2. I love Jackson Wayne Bennett. My eldest son. The little boy who made me a mommy; who gave me the greatest gift of all - motherhood. I love his sweetness. I love his honesty. I love the wonderment through which he sees all things. He is my little sweet pea.
4. I love my Dad. He was my very first Valentine. He, to this day, would give the shirt off his back to make sure I was looked after. He is the most kind, generous and respectable man I know.
5. I love the rest of my family, Mom, my sister, my gorgeous nephew Myles, my aunt Mio, my Grandmother...the list goes on and on. I am so fortunate to have such a wonderful family.
6. I love the Wrye Family Weight Loss Challenge girls. You gals are so inspiring and encouraging. I never thought I'd actually look forward to weighing myself once a week. Thanks for helping me do this!
7. I love my All Night Nursing Moms Group. It is amazing to know that 34 (yes, 34) of my friends either just had babies or will have babies in the near future. I am grateful to be able to share in your successes and trials, and to feel that support that every new (and new again) moms need. You women are amazing!
8. I love my jobs. All four of them. I am grateful that my jobs allow me the luxury to bring Samuel along with me. I love that my office is a Steinway.
9. I love my Church Choir! Wow, are you all fantastic! I have never heard a men's section in a volunteer church choir like the one we have. And such kind hearted people, too! You are like family to me and I appreciate you!
10. I love my friends near and far. Jill, Katherine, Meg, girls have stuck with me through thick and thin. I couldn't be luckier.
11. I love that I am able to breastfeed my babies. Well, not Jackson anymore, but he went for 16 months before weening. I feel great knowing that I am able to give them the best thing for them.
12. I love cloth diapers! Seriously. I didn't think I would, but they are great. So cute and don't irritate Samuel's bottom. Plus, I am saving so much money by doing it.
13. I love my freedom to decide. I love that I am able to chose what I wear, what I believe, to whom I pray, what to eat, where to travel, where to live, where to work, and what I say without fear of reprimand.
14. I love the changing of the seasons. I love experiencing four distinct times of the year. And I love that Spring is upon us.
15. I love music. All kinds of music... and people who make the music.
16. I love helping students figure out how their voice works. This is different than teaching voice. This is discovering a voice.
17. I love the beauty of this world. I can't wait to see more of it.
18. I love to hear birth stories. I think the woman's body is an amazing thing to be able to grow and birth another human being. I cry at the experience.
19. I love teachers. I am grateful to mine of the past and present for the gifts they have given me.
20. I love books. I love to read. Love love love. If I could, I'd stay in bed all day reading. Thank you to the wonderful writers of the world.

So enjoy this day with the ones you love, doing things you love, and appreciating all the love that the air.