For the first time in 8 years, I got to spend Mother's Day with MY Mother. And for the first time ever I got to celebrate Mother's Day as a Mother of two. Yes, it was a special day. And, yes, my heart sang a song of love all day long for my mother, for my children, and for all the women who were (and are) like mothers to me.
To top off the day, Samuel was dedicated at church. Basically it was me promising to raise Samuel to be a good person and my church family saying they would support me. It was very touching. Especially since the person who led the dedication was my Aunt. She went into her whole "Children Of My Heart" spiel...and then she started crying, and then my mom started crying, and when I felt the lump in my throat I had to take drastic measures...I started doing multiplication tables in my head. I held it together. Barely.

Jackson and Samuel are good shoppers (though I don't know when they had time to go out). I received a new Kindle from them. And from my sister and her family I received a new yoga mat. Also, Jackson made me a gift at Ms Brandy's house. I LOVE homemade gifts!

It was a great day. One in which I appreciated my own mother and reflected on my role as a mother. I thank Jackson and Samuel for making me a mommy. It is the best thing I have ever done and will ever do. I love you two!

To top off the day, Samuel was dedicated at church. Basically it was me promising to raise Samuel to be a good person and my church family saying they would support me. It was very touching. Especially since the person who led the dedication was my Aunt. She went into her whole "Children Of My Heart" spiel...and then she started crying, and then my mom started crying, and when I felt the lump in my throat I had to take drastic measures...I started doing multiplication tables in my head. I held it together. Barely.
Jackson and Samuel are good shoppers (though I don't know when they had time to go out). I received a new Kindle from them. And from my sister and her family I received a new yoga mat. Also, Jackson made me a gift at Ms Brandy's house. I LOVE homemade gifts!
It was a great day. One in which I appreciated my own mother and reflected on my role as a mother. I thank Jackson and Samuel for making me a mommy. It is the best thing I have ever done and will ever do. I love you two!
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