To my sweet Samuel:
Today you have officially lived in the outside world longer than you lived in my inside world.

You are such a happy baby.

You smile most of the time. MOST of the time. You don't like it much when Jackson gets in your face.
But you love your brother. And he loves you a lot, too.

Much to Mommy's delight (and relief), on Monday September 5 at 37 Weeks 5 Days old, you started sleeping through the night.

(What I think happened was when I stopped feeding you during the night, you figured there was no reason to wake up anymore. In any case, thank you. I appreciate the longer sleep).
When you wake up in the morning, you play happily in your crib until I come get you.
You love to roll around and get up on your hands and knees. You haven't started crawling yet, but you can get where you need to go by scooting backwards. You recently learned that you can stand on your own if you hold on to something. You'd stand for hours if I'd let you.

I gave you your first hair trim last week. It was just a little trim, but your hair doesn't get in your eyes anymore.

You love to play with toys. Your favorites are your links, your car seat toy, and the blocks. You like to bang the blocks together.

This week we went to the park, and you got to play on the swings for the first time. At first you weren't too sure.

But when you got the hang of it, you flapped your arms and legs because you were so happy!

You like taking baths now that you get to splash around unhindered.

You love eating. I make all of your baby food for you. You don't like premade baby food in a jar except for prunes which you eat every Wednesday night. You like Pumpkins and Pears the best. Mostly you prefer finger foods. You really put those two front teeth to work! Your favorites are Baby MumMums, puffs and Cheese Curls. When you want more, you tug on my sleeve.

You are so curious about everything. I really have to watch what is in your reach because you will grab for anything close.

You started going to daycare full time (except Thursdays) on Sept 5. You have done great with the transition! I am told you take all your naps without hassle and drink your bottle like a pro. I am so happy I get to come and nurse you during my lunchbreak, though! It is nice to see your smiling face during the day. You love going with Jackson to Brandy's to play.

Your schedule is:
7:30ish - wake up and play in your crib
7:45 - nurse and change clothes/diaper
8:30 - breakfast of barley, pears and cinnamon (and some puffs)
10:00 - nurse (or bottle of expressed milk if you are at Brandy's)
10:15 - nap
11:15 - wake up and play
12:45 - nurse
1:00 - nap
3:30 - wake up and play
4:30 - nurse
6:15 - dinner of a vegetable and fruit as well as Baby MumMums, cheese curls and a few animal crackers for dessert
7:15 - bath
7:45 - nurse
8:00 - bedtime
You are wearing 6-9 month/9 month clothes. You don't have a Doctor's appointment until next week so I'll have to record weight/height stats then, but I suspect you are over 20 lbs now. I don't know if you like the Colts, but I do, so all three of us wear our Colts gear on game day (even though they aren't great this year). You seem pretty happy to do so.

You grunt. It makes you laugh when people play your game and grunt back. You also laugh when I give you Eskimo kisses. And you are ticklish on your neck and chest. I love when you laugh. You eyes light up and your laughter is so contagious. You are such a good-natured, happy baby. You brighten my every day, and I love you so much!
Happy 9 Months, Samuel Wrye!

Today you have officially lived in the outside world longer than you lived in my inside world.
You are such a happy baby.
You smile most of the time. MOST of the time. You don't like it much when Jackson gets in your face.
But you love your brother. And he loves you a lot, too.
Much to Mommy's delight (and relief), on Monday September 5 at 37 Weeks 5 Days old, you started sleeping through the night.
(What I think happened was when I stopped feeding you during the night, you figured there was no reason to wake up anymore. In any case, thank you. I appreciate the longer sleep).
When you wake up in the morning, you play happily in your crib until I come get you.
You love to roll around and get up on your hands and knees. You haven't started crawling yet, but you can get where you need to go by scooting backwards. You recently learned that you can stand on your own if you hold on to something. You'd stand for hours if I'd let you.
I gave you your first hair trim last week. It was just a little trim, but your hair doesn't get in your eyes anymore.
You love to play with toys. Your favorites are your links, your car seat toy, and the blocks. You like to bang the blocks together.
This week we went to the park, and you got to play on the swings for the first time. At first you weren't too sure.
But when you got the hang of it, you flapped your arms and legs because you were so happy!
You like taking baths now that you get to splash around unhindered.
You love eating. I make all of your baby food for you. You don't like premade baby food in a jar except for prunes which you eat every Wednesday night. You like Pumpkins and Pears the best. Mostly you prefer finger foods. You really put those two front teeth to work! Your favorites are Baby MumMums, puffs and Cheese Curls. When you want more, you tug on my sleeve.
You are so curious about everything. I really have to watch what is in your reach because you will grab for anything close.
You started going to daycare full time (except Thursdays) on Sept 5. You have done great with the transition! I am told you take all your naps without hassle and drink your bottle like a pro. I am so happy I get to come and nurse you during my lunchbreak, though! It is nice to see your smiling face during the day. You love going with Jackson to Brandy's to play.
Your schedule is:
7:30ish - wake up and play in your crib
7:45 - nurse and change clothes/diaper
8:30 - breakfast of barley, pears and cinnamon (and some puffs)
10:00 - nurse (or bottle of expressed milk if you are at Brandy's)
10:15 - nap
11:15 - wake up and play
12:45 - nurse
1:00 - nap
3:30 - wake up and play
4:30 - nurse
6:15 - dinner of a vegetable and fruit as well as Baby MumMums, cheese curls and a few animal crackers for dessert
7:15 - bath
7:45 - nurse
8:00 - bedtime
You are wearing 6-9 month/9 month clothes. You don't have a Doctor's appointment until next week so I'll have to record weight/height stats then, but I suspect you are over 20 lbs now. I don't know if you like the Colts, but I do, so all three of us wear our Colts gear on game day (even though they aren't great this year). You seem pretty happy to do so.
You grunt. It makes you laugh when people play your game and grunt back. You also laugh when I give you Eskimo kisses. And you are ticklish on your neck and chest. I love when you laugh. You eyes light up and your laughter is so contagious. You are such a good-natured, happy baby. You brighten my every day, and I love you so much!
Happy 9 Months, Samuel Wrye!
Love, Mommy
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