Monday, October 17, 2011

Places To Go

I can hardly believe that Samuel is already 10 months old.

He is such a sweet and happy baby, and quite the Mama's Boy. I love the big smiles I get when he sees me. He smiles with his whole face.

He now gets mad when his toys are taken away (ahem...Jackson...), and he has his favorites, too. He loves matchbox cars and Jackson's electric Thomas trains (he even knows how to turn them on).

But what amazes me even more is that he will tip over Jackson's alphabet puzzle and search through the letters until he finds the "O". He loves that O. He crawls around with it firmly in his little grasp.

The child LOVES food. By food, I mean anything that isn't liquid and fed to him on a spoon. Waffles and Muffins are among his favorite. He likes peas and yogurt melts, too.

Though Samuel still nurses five times a day, he gets a sippy cup of apple juice in the afternoons, too. He still needs a bit of practice using the sippy cup and more ends up on him then in him, but it's a start.

Samuel is a crawling pro now. He tries to stand up on his own, but doesn't quite get there just yet. He hasn't grasped the concert of pulling up yet either. I am of the opinion that one day he will just stand up and start walking. No pulling up; no cruising. We'll see...

Samuel recently acquired a couple of "new" things...

A Car Seat (which we hope to turn around in the next couple of months):

And a Haircut (done by me, which turned out a bit shorter than I intended...carrying on the tradition of bad haircuts by parents):

He loves bath time. He crawls around, splashes water, and generally gets in Jackson's way.

Samuel is still sleeping wonderfully through the night...roughly 7:45pm to 7:30am with two substantial naps during the day.

Samuel is simply happy. (Here follows a montage of happy).

And with that, there are things to do, places to go...

Happy 10 Months, Sweet Sam!

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