It's been two months since I've done an "official" update on Jackson. He is now 2 months away from turning 3. I can hardly believe it. I don't know what it is about becoming a parent, but once you have a kid, time seems to go by so much more quickly than it seems. Days go slowly; years go quickly.
Where do I begin with everything that is Jackson. It amazes me that his baby years were so defined and with every passing week there is a multitude of new things and dimensions new to him.
He is SO smart. He plays the games on his LeapPad meant for 4 - 7 year olds without help. He works 48 piece puzzles with no problems. He loves books, and knows all the letters and what sounds they make. He still uses his left hand consistently to draw, write, and eat. He is beginning to gain an understand on how to control his writing utensil to make letters and pictures.
This is a picture of his Aunt Holly. He made her hair, eyes, nose, mouth, body, and shoes.
Jackson is very into using his imagination nowadays. He loves to pretend to be a puppy. I love it, too. Most of the time. Because when he drops to his knees in...say...the grocery store and begins to pant, bark and lick things...hmmmm
I never know when he wakes up who he will be (Puppy, Dora, or any other host of characters) and who I will be (inevitably it is Dora's Mama, Puppy's Mama...but sometimes I play the role of "Jaxa").
Staying true to the legacy left by his Cousin Myles, he loves lawn mowers. And any store where he can test one out is a good store in his book.
Thomas is still one of his favorite characters. And he insists that Samuel loves watching Thomas, too (I think he is right).
According to the cMoe scale, Jackson weighs 31 lbs.
Jackson loves to dance. He has spectacular moves...
He loves coming to work with me. He has been to three orchestra rehearsals/performances. The first time he loved the tuba, the second brought out the love of the cello, and in the third, the flute stole his heart. I love that he loves music, and it is one of my favorite moments with share a love of music!
Playdough is a new favorite activity.
So is chilling out like a gansta watching TV apparently.
Most of the time, he is very polite. He says "no sir" and "yessir". (Right now everyone is called "sir"). His speech is so clear. His brain is a sponge and even if he isn't acting like he is listening, he is. He makes me laugh. All the time. He likes it when people feel "much, much better". If he gets himself worked up in a crying fit, usually a hug will calm him down in seconds, and it is accompanied by a big sigh. He is very particular about how things are done. He loves his routine. And he knows 4 of Adele's songs by heart. If I sing them wrong (lyric, rhythm or note), he will tell me about it. That would be my karma...
Yes, this kiddo is a thumbs up.
I love you very much, Jackson Wayne!
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