And once again life got in the way and I have missed Samuel's 15 month post. Samuel is in that stage where he does something new every day. I both love and hate this stage. I love that each new day is filled with excitement and wonderment. I hate that I am forced into the reality that my baby is no longer a baby.
Samuel's personality is one of assertiveness and abounding happiness. He is a ham. When I pull out the camera he says "eeeee" (cheese) and poses. His smile lights up his whole face and his laughter is contagious. 
He giggles all the time. Well, most of the time. For when he is not happy, he lets you know. Loudly. I love it how he whines when he isn't happy and then opens one eye to make sure you are watching.
His favorite toy BY FAR is a ball. Any ball. He loves balls.
And maracas.
At Samuel's 15 month check up, he weighed 23 lbs, 6 oz (59%) and was 30 in long (11%). Short. Well, I guess he had to get SOME of my traits. I suppose I could have guessed he is exclusively in 18 month tops, but I resort to 12 month pants at times for length purposes.
One morning, Jackson was having a snack of peanut butter crackers. This was one of the days Jackson decided to share with Samuel. And not 3 minutes later, Samuel's poor little face had big red welts on it and he was scratching insanely. I tried to get a picture, but he was too upset to hold still. About 30 minutes later it had disappeared, but I don't think he'll be getting peanut butter again in the near future.
Samuel's favorite food is peas, mashed potatoes and Graduate crunchies. He likes fruit, too. He doesn't like cheese or pasta. He drinks water out of a straw cup and still nurses 3 times a day.
He loves snuggling with his blue bear (which I find completely irresistible).
And he loves his brother.
He is a boy of few words. He mostly grunts, but strangely enough, I can understand what he is saying.
His actual words are: Jackson, Mama, Dada, Nana, Night Night
And his grunts are: Thank You, Juice, More, Where Is, I Want
And he is great at following simple commands like "come here", "get your shoes", "hold out your arms"...
He loves getting his teeth brushed, brushing his own hair (he'll go into the bathroom and look through the drawer until he finds his comb), and helping put on his clothes.
He is honestly so good and so sweet with a touch of assertiveness. I love this sweet face and this beautiful boy so much! He will be a heartbreaker someday. Happy 16 months, Samuel Wrye!
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