I haven't blogged in a month. But lots has happened in that month. Jackson met Aunt Holly and Aunt Mio as well as Nana and Bapa. The four weeks my mom was here went really fast and I really appreciated having her here. My dad brought pictures of when I was Jackson's age and he looks just like me! We miss them a lot, but are going to visit them over Christmas. It will be a great first Christmas for Jackson and David's first Christmas in the cold!
On June 1, Jackson started smiling for real. And of course, it was for his Daddy. He gives us the best toothy grins ever! Sadly, he doesn't like to be photographed... or video-ed. Every time I pull out the cameras he just studies them. And as soon as I put them away...smiles. So they are hard to catch, but I do have some. The best smiles come when he first wakes up... he sees me and just lights up. Melts my heart, it does!
On 23 June, Jackson slept through the night. I put him down at 9:30 and he slept until 7 the next morning. I, however, didn't sleep... I was up at 3:30, 4:30, 5:30 and 6:30 making sure he was still breathing! HAHA! He hasn't done a huge stretch like that since, but typically goes 7 or 8 hours and then goes back for another couple of hours after a feed. It certainly makes for a much happier and rested mommy in the morning. I attribute it to our beautiful nighttime routine...the three B's... bath, boob, bed. When he is 4 months old, it will become the 4 B's... banana, bath, boob, bed... and at 6 months it will become the 5 B's... banana, bath, boob, book, bed. Oh - and we have started putting a hot water bottle where he lies before we start the routine so when he goes to bed and we take it away it is warm for him.
On the 18th June, Jackson had his 2 month checkup. He now weighs 4.65kg (10.25 lbs) and is 58cm (22.8 in) in length. Dr Henderson said he should be about 6kg (13.2 lbs) by the time he is 5 months old. He is still wearing newborn (0000) clothes and I don't think he'll go up to the 0-3 month clothes (000) until then! But we'll see... it might be the length that gets him. Still...so many beautiful clothes and so long to wait to see them!
This past week we got his pictures taken. They turned out really well though getting them was a mess. I stupidly scheduled them to be taken at 10:15 in the morning. By the time we got there he was ready for his morning nap and didn't want to be messed with. We had to come back later that afternoon. I am so excited about the pictures we got. There are some great family shots (including Nana and Bapa) as well as my coveted naked baby shot. His little butt is sooo cute! I will be sure to post them as soon as I get them back to scan in two weeks.
Also, three of my friends have given birth. My American friends Katherine and Vanessa both had beautiful baby boys - Katherine had Colin on the 27th May and Vanessa had Elias on the 28th May.
Our Australian friends Jon and Bianca had their little baby on the 16th. Jackson's new best friend is named Julian William (ironically, JW initials with William being after Bianca's dad and Wayne after my dad...hmmmm) and weighed 3.45kg upon arrival. He is adorable! I can't believe Jackson was ever that little!! He looks like a giant next to him now!
Being a mother is hard work, but so rewarding. We are finally starting to get into a routine... probably had the beginnings of it about 2 weeks ago when he was 7 weeks... after his 6 week growth spurt, I think. He is so much more aware and is playing during the day with us and his toys. Cousin Myles donated his Baby Einstein DVDs and Jackson LOVES them. He talks and coos and sings, and loves to play patty cake. And he has started doing this burrowing thing when he gets tired. He likes to sleep with his face buried in a chest or arms so the light doesn't get in. And when he gets tired he starts burrowing his face in whatever until he gets his comfy spot. I took some video of it, but haven't transferred it yet. It is very cute.
My plan is to post weekly now. So this is it for week 9. I can't believe he will be 10 weeks old on Monday. It goes so fast. Well, I think the little man smells like McDonalds (my mom's way of saying he has a poopy diaper) so I'll be off to the world of diapers, smiles, kicks and coos...
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