10 Weeks Old! We can't believe 10 weeks is nearly gone! It has been a great week. Jackson is still sleeping through the night, waking up about 6:30 and going back to sleep after a feed till around 8:30. A couple of nights this week we had marathon eating sessions as the little man decided to have a growth spurt. Well, I think he does that when he is about to achieve a milestone, which he did. Jackson has found his hands! He doesn't always get them to go where he wants them, but he enjoys sucking on them and trying to reach his toys. We have also had lots and lots of smiles.

This week, Jackson enjoyed watching Baby Einstein (and Rugby League as it turns out), sucking on his fists, and playing with his caterpillar rattle. And much to mommy's surprise and delight this morning held on to her star stickers! Jackson also spent lots of time playing with daddy! He LOVES playing with daddy! It makes him happy (and tired). As we were eating dinner last night we witnessed Jackson in his bouncer accurately grabbing at and hitting his toys! It was amazing and we were so proud!
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