Happy 3 Month Birthday! Our 13th week/beginning of the 3rd Month was certainly a happy and exciting one. His measurements as of this afternoon are 5.3kg (11.5lbs) and 65cm (25.5in).
On Tuesday Jackson rolled over from his tummy to his back! He did it 3 times and David and I were cheering him on like complete goobers. On his 4th attempt he couldn't quite coordinate it all and frustrated himself trying to do it again. And he hasn't been able to do it since (or he just doesn't want to). I didn't catch it on film, but I was a proud mommy!

He has become increasingly more interested in what David and I put in our mouths... he watches us eat and smiles at us. He is no longer content sitting in his bouncer while we eat...he would prefer to be up at table level to see the action. I guess we'll be getting a high chair soon! And he has taken to holding my spoon! All signs that solid food (by that I mean really mushy pureed fruit and veg) is in the near future.

He is still talking and singing and smiling heaps. On Saturday David and I had a much needed date night and Jackson's babysitter Mel came over to look after him for a couple of hours. This is only the 2nd time we both have left him in the care of someone else (the first was with my parents) without us being home. When we got home he was SOBBING!! I have never seen him so upset. I called after the movie and he was doing fine. But I guess that last half hour was a tough one. As soon as we got home and he saw us, he calmed down. I don't like that he cried a lot, but it is nice that he missed us :)
We aren't certain what color his eyes will be...some days they look blue, some days they look grey.

Just a cute little video this week. We were having some fun this morning and Jackson (with some help from David) got his groove on...