David and I bought Jackson a new crib. Tonight is his first night sleeping in it. He seems to like it and he gets to play with some new toys inside it (his favorite is the lobster given to him by Cousin Myles). We have rearranged the furniture in his room to accommodate it...check it out!

Only two more days of winter and already it is getting hot. Jackson experienced his first really hot day - we actually turned on the fan and airconditioner... he didn't do too well until we did. We stripped him down to his diaper, but he was hot and sweaty and in true Bennett fashion complained (or shall I say uncontrollably sobbed) until he was the "perfect" temperature. As a result, we ventured down to our favorite beach which we lovingly call McGuiser Beach. Jackson had his first experience of sand and water on his feet.

Jackson is able to grasp things well with his hands now. His hand-eye coordination is getting a lot better! He has a rattle and a teether he is particularly fond of, but we also discovered his taggie blanket which he enjoys cuddling with, sucking on, and talking to. (Please disregard all the badly placed prepositions... I am really tired at the moment and can't be bothered to follow my own rules).

He still enjoys his playmat and talks to most everything. He likes talking to Duck Duck in the car, but can't resist talking to that baby in the mirror.
We have finally been able to put away most of his newborn/0000 clothes and PJs. He fits nicely into his 0-3 month/000 clothes now.
We'd like to wish Nana a Happy Birthday! We love you Nana!