Jackson's 14th week of life was filled with fun and firsts. He is still in his 0000 PJs though. He found his little feet... it started with just looking... "What the hell are these?" ...and progressed to grabbing them. He looks at them a lot and he has discovered that they reach the end of his baby bath and if he straightens his legs he can touch. This results in a lot of splashing. Also, he has discovered his voice. Loudly. Squealing in delight and screaming for the fun of it... daddy thinks it is cute and mommy did the first day. Now I am just confused... he starts screaming in the other room and I go running for fear he is hurt only to find him happily "talking" to his toys. He has discovered "the baby" in the mirror - and if he smiles that baby will smile back. We are also in search of a high chair (mommy would prefer a high/low chair) as Jackson is no longer content to sit in his bouncer while we eat. He would rather watch us eat. And he has spoons of his own with which to play. He is very good in getting them into his mouth. If you hold a spoon out to him he will concentrate very hard and reach his hand up and take hold of it from you! But the most exciting thing this week is his rolling! He rolled three times last week, but I couldn't manage to get it on camera. This time I was ready. I think it startles his every time he manages to roll... he looks at us like "Woah...what was that? I was on my tummy now I'm on my back????" I discovered my video editing tools so enjoy this homemade Old Skool video...
Some other worthwhile moments of the week:
Jackson's new favorite position in which to watch TV...

New ways to wear the bib and play with Daddy...

And the post nap happy baby:

The little guy actually went down for a nap this morning by himself in his cradle. Hopefully this is the start of the morning nap taking place in his room by himself. I still like taking his afternoon nap with him :) We have a strict bedtime routine, but are moving towards a stricter daytime routing as well. Things are carefully planned nowadays as daddy officially started University last week!
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