16 Weeks Old
We have had a good week here in the Bennett household. Jackson continues to grow and make us laugh. Some of the highlights of this week are:
Jackson's new favorite activity: standing! He loves it! Wants to do it all the time! His little legs are so strong. He can hold on to our fingers and just stand there. And when he gets tired he just plops down.

Jackson's other favorite new activity: looking at the baby in the mirror. Keeps him entertained for hours... well, ok... at least 30 minutes.
Jackson also took his first bath in the big boy bath tub. He seems to have outgrown his little baby tub... too long... his legs hang over the edge!

Daddy and Jackson also had some one on one time while Mommy was teaching. I came out to check on them and caught them watching TV together.

Jackson still likes to put EVERYTHING in his mouth. Last night we put him to bed awake and unswaddled. 15 minutes later when I went to check on him he was asleep with his thumb in his mouth. And he slept for 10 hours straight!
Also, much to my delight he has laid off the screaming/squealing thing and has gone back to precious coos. While David was off gigging this weekend, Jackson and I watched So You Think You Can Dance America. He watched the first dance in awe and when the judges started talking so did Jackson. I think it reminded him of Nana and Bapa's voices. Here is the little video I took of it:
Big week next week: Jackson has a doctor's appointment on Monday, Mommy's birthday is on Friday, and the little man turns 4 months old!!
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