Well, it's official! Jackson has been "out" longer than he was "in".
Things carried on as normal... swimming lessons, teaching, playing...
We did have two new arrivals, though. Tooth number three (the other front bottom tooth) came through on Thursday morning after several really long and sleepless nights. Tooth number four (the other front top tooth) came through shortly after on Saturday morning after several nights of sleeping through. Go figure! I can't seem to figure out this tooth thing... In any case, there are officially four teeth! Hopefully we will have a break before the whole teething/long sleepless nights thing starts again.
Jackson turned 9 months old on Wednesday. I can't believe he is 75% of the way through his first year! It has gone SO quickly.

We had a BBQ at the Keats house Saturday. Julian and Jackson took a dip in Julian's Wiggles pool. They had tons of fun playing with balls, floats, and splashing themselves (and their mother, ahem).

Jackson has been enjoying playing in his room now that it is more conducive to...uh...playing. And crawling... which he now does like a pro... over things, under things, around things, in, out... PHEW!

New foods this week: apple custard, applesauce mixed with vanilla, and zucchini. We have nearly run out of all of our American snack foods. Luckily, Bapa has put some in the mail :) We love Bapa!
Short and sweet... that's what we are this week. Back to the toy box!

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