Jackson's second tooth popped through Monday morning. It was a top one right above his bottom tooth.
And the BIGGEST news is that on Tuesday, Jackson started to crawl! Forward! He'll make the journey for a wheat puff or a remote control.
And just lately he has figured out where we keep his toys (in his toy box, duh) and will make his way over to get some out. So now we have a mobile baby. He can roll over, sit up by himself, and crawl. Kind of sounds like a dog, huh? But much cuter :)
On Saturday, we headed to Muswellbrook to visit with David's dad and stepmom. We picked up Jessica on the way! It was a big day for Jackson - getting to meet his sister and his granddad and Marie! We had a fantastic visit. Granddad was absolutely charmed by Jackson - he didn't want to let him go!

Here are three generations of Bennett men. I like to call them 2 and a half men. Hehe!

And Jackson with Granddad and Marie.

Jackson LOVED his sister. They studied each other for a while...and then became fast friends playing and smiling and doing weird head motions that I can only assume is a weird sibling thing.

Lucky for us, Jon was also around this week (though he wasn't able to go to Muswellbrook with us). He stopped by on Tuesday for a visit (and to borrow my car). Sensing Jon is the alpha male, Jackson could only check him out... didn't quite know what to think of Jon. But I think it had something to do with similar hair-dos...

Jackson spent a lot of the week playing with his new toys from Christmas (and watching his new favorite video, Yo Gabba Gabba - we have dance parties... my favorite is Do The Puppet Master with Elijah Wood- good times). We even invited Julian and his mom and dad over to have a play. I managed to catch this sequence of events on camera...
This toy (courtesy of Aunt Holly) has balls in it. Jackson knows that if he presses down on the balls they go into the lower part of the toy. He has pressed and knows those balls are in there.

He tried to reach into the toy to get the balls out. Usually this isn't to much of an issue as they roll out, but Jackson has tilted the toy back to where the balls won't roll out.

He manages to get 2 of the 3 balls out, but isn't able to reach the 3rd. Certain it is still in there, he lifts up the toy peers into it... where is that ball??

We started swim lessons again with Miss Paula on Thursdays. He missed her so much! Smiles, kisses and hugs straight away. We may or may not continue with GymbaROO this term. I have been looking into an Early Childhood Music Program at the Conservatorium. Jackson loves to play the piano and sing along. What kind of mother (or musician) would I be if I didn't encourage that??
It has been quite hot and humid here this week. YUCK! To keep cool, we have been eating popsicles. And it was only fair for Jackson to have a lick, too!

New foods this week: I don't think I gave him anything new... he hasn't figured out how to use the sippy cup yet (only chewing on it) and he'll drink out of a cup, but I got tired of having to assist him. So I put water in a bottle with a fast flow nipple and a handle and he drinks 4oz of water a day now by himself! Think I'll start him on beans next week...
From our house to yours, have a wonderful week 38! 2 more weeks and he will have been out the same amount of time he was in! It goes FAAAAST! To those in Australia, stay cool. To those in the USA, stay warm. Hopefully one day we can meet in the middle, eh...
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