Week 35 went WAY too fast.
Before we knew it, Christmas Eve was here and excitement was in the air.
On Christmas Eve, we had the privilage of celebrating the Wrye Christmas Eve tradition at my parent's house. I got to see my aunts and uncle and most of my cousins, and Jackson got to meet everyone, too!

Then we drove to Mt Carmel to celebrate with my dad's side. There were so many babies there... A 3 week old, a 5 month old, Jackson, and a 2 year old! Jackson enjoyed playing with everyone and even snuck a taste of ice cream and cookie behind my back (thank you, Dad and Holly).
Here is my little man on Christmas Eve in his suit and tie:

The next morning, we woke up and santa had come, stockings were filled, and we spent the day with Nana, Bapa, Holly and Myles. It couldn't have been better! I love my family and was honored and elated to spend Jackson's first Christmas (and my first Christmas since 2003) with them! Jackson was spoiled!

And yes, I managed to fit it ALL in my luggage to take back to Australia!
Sadly, the day was over too soon and so was our trip. The next morning we said goodbye and packed up the car to go to the airport. We left Nana and Bapa in Louisville and made our way back overseas to see Daddy. Jackson, again, did wonderfully on the trip. He slept about 9 hours of the 14 hour flight from LA to Sydney giving me much needed rest, too. He was so good natured. When you get on a plane with a baby, most people roll their eyes and are not too impressed. But at the end of the flight, everyone talked to us and commented how well behaved he was. He even got his own seat!

When we got to Sydney, we managed to get through lines very quickly. When Jackson saw David, his eyes just lit up and he had the biggest smile. There were hugs and kisses all around!
The start of week 36 was fraught with jet lag. Poor baby...

We slept from 2:30 - 7:30 when we got home, and then went to bed around 11. Jackson woke up at 5:30 bright eyed and bushy tailed... so I tried to keep him up until 9 when we took a 2 hour nap, and then another 2 hour nap at 1. We hit the hay around 8 and Jackson woke around 1:00. I slept with him in his room until about 2:00 when he had a quick feed and then went down until 7:30. The next day was fairly normal, but we both went to bed around 7pm. Jackson slept through until 7:30 the next morning. Last night was a bit more sane. He still got really tired around 7, but we held off putting him to bed until 8 and he slept through till 7:30 this morning. I was in bed by 10:30 so everyone missed the midnight fireworks. Happy New Year from the old and lame one... He has had an hour nap this morning and is currently taking his afternoon nap.
We have tried some new finger foods: papaya, macaroni, and hard boiled egg yolk. He loves them all! He still loves his Baby Mum Mums and Animal Crackers. He is getting so good at eating solid foods. I can't believe how much he is developing.

Here is his new trick... Opening drawers... it was pretty funny the first time, but I suspect the novelty (for us parents) will wear off soon... welcome to the land of child proof safety latches.
There is so much to be grateful for in 2009. Jackson has completely changed my life and it is a year I will never forget. We look forward to seeing what 2010 has in store for the Bennett family. I suspect it will be a great one. Happy New Year!!

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