33 Weeks Old
We did a lot of people meeting this week - week 33 of life! Monday and Tuesday we just chilled out at Nana and Bapa's house. But Wednesday we loaded up the rental car and headed to Indianapolis to catch up with some of my dearest friends.
We met up with my friend Erika and her 6 month old daughter Charlotte at the Holiday Inn downtown for an overnight playdate. After several minutes of checking each other out they bonded over the Magic Mozart Cube and played well into the evening.
Here is what I learned from that experience: 2 babies in 1 hotel room = not a lot of sleep for anyone involved. Jackson would make a noise and Charlotte would wake up. Charlotte would make a noise and Jackson would wake up. And then Charlotte, an early bird, woke at 6:00am sharp and Jackson, who takes after his mommy, is not used to waking up until 8ish. Jackson reluctantly got up, but was tired and grumpy ALL day.
On Thursday, a sleepy mommy and baby went to Butler to visit some of my old professors and friends. I got to catch up with Jennifer and her family, Eric Stark, Kyle Ferrill, Cathy Bringerud and some other randoms we saw in the hallway. Unfortunately, Jackson cried in everyone's face and we had to leave to go take a nap. An overtired baby is very hard to get to sleep, but eventually we did get a 2 hour nap in. Next, we drove to Meg and Nicole's house to settle in for the next two nights.
On Friday, Jackson and I made our way to our Immigration appointment to get his citizenship papers only to be told that another interview was required and to let them know when we'd be back in the States. Feeling a little dejected, we drove around Indy before meeting Michael and Sherrie Sells* for lunch. Jackson LOVED Sherrie... he gave her so many kisses and hugs! It was great catching up with them!
*I have pictures of Jennifer and her family and Sherrie and Jackson, but they are on the other camera and, alas, I don't have a cord for it so they will come on another post.
After lunch, we headed back to Meg and Nicole's for an afternoon nap and a relaxing evening with the girls. Nicole made us chicken enchilladas and we chatted into the night. They were such great hostesses and their house is adorable!
The next morning we said goodbye to Meg and Nicole (Meg had a handbell concert...she's awesome) and headed to the MacPherson-Stolen house. Jackson got to meet the people that played such an important part in my life during my college years. It was wonderful to see Abbey Claire and Jackson together - I consider them both my children. Rob and Steven played with Jackson while I played the Wii with Abbey Claire. She totally kicked my butt! But never worry... I told her I was going to buy a Wii, practice, and be back the same time next year to kick her butt! Watch out girl!

Next we headed up north to my friend Katherine's house. She and her husband, Dennis, had a baby boy a month after Jackson was born. Their boy Colin is ADORABLE and SO good natured. Jackson and Colin became fast friends. The most popular toy was Colin's calculator. They kept passing it back and forth. I am sure they will feel so cool hearing that story when they get older. That night we took Colin and Jackson to see Santa. Both boys smiled big for their picture and told Santa what they wanted for Christmas.

The next morning we left Colin and the gang, and drove to see Jill and her family. Jill and Ryan had just gotten back from a Carribean cruise and were all tan... they weren't yet unpacked, but Jill is my BFF and I wasn't about to leave Indy without seeing her. Jackson met her two sons and Max especially took a shine to Jackson.

Then we headed back to downtown Indy to the Children's Museum for our final playdate of the trip. We met my friend Vanessa from upstairs and her son Elias at the Babyscape Exhibit. That exhibit was so cool! They had so much stuff for under 5's to do! Jackson and Elias played with balls, mirrors, magnets and listened to stories and songs. Elias is so full of personality just like his Mommy.
Jackson especially enjoyed the magnets. I thought it was very clever how he played with the "J" magnet. J is for Jackson!

Shortly after lunch, we started the trip back to Evansville. Jackson slept nearly the whole way. He was awake for the last 30 minutes. And within 5 minutes of home he pooped! (Did I mention that he hadn't pooped since before we left for Indianapolis?)
All in all, it was a great trip. I loved seeing old friends and meeting their children. I refuse to believe that we are old enough to be having families of our own. As I drove up to Indy, I was listening to the radio. The announcer said "Now we will take you way, way, way back... OPP... I think it stands for Other People's Property... here you are, from 1991..." I was like "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO"! THAT made me feel old. My song is an oldie. What?
One issue that I had to deal with on the trip was sleep... or lack thereof. Jackson has NOT been sleeping well. There have been no more teeth and I am not convinced it is his teeth. He has not gone through a night without waking at least 3 times. And it isn't to eat. I put him on my breast for him to fall asleep within seconds. Here are his symptoms: VERY restless; he never fully wakes up or opens his eyes; passes lots of gas; doesn't eat; squirms like he is uncomfortable whether he is put down or held; he goes down to sleep fine and sleeps for 2 - 3 hours before waking frequently. I have tried teething tablets and bonjela neither of which helped. But seeing as how I think it isn't teething in the first place, why would it? Because he hasn't been pooping...well, at all...I think it is belly ache. When we got back Sunday night, I put him to sleep in his own room (he had been sleeping with me). He woke at 11 with the above mentioned symptoms and I laid down with him in his room. He was squirmy and restless until 5 when I put him back in his bed ON HIS STOMACH. Then he slept. He slept like a rock until I woke him at 8:15. And I would have let him sleep longer had I not had to go return the rental car. Aha! So Monday night I put him to sleep on his belly. He woke up at 1:30 and genuinely ate (I thought he might be hungry as he didn't have a big dinner). I put him back to sleep on his belly. He whimpered at 6, but before I could get to his door he had put himself back to sleep and that's where he stayed until 7:45 when he awoke with cooing and bababa-ing. Wonderful! That's what we'll try again tonight! And he has since pooped 4 times. However, I am relieved to have my happy baby back!
Side Note: I just looked at my baby as his playing went a bit silent, and he is on all fours rocking! Not long now before my scootcher becomes a crawler.
New antics: As we were waiting for Erika and Charlotte to arrive from Chicago on Wednesday, Jackson decided he wanted to play...

Let's play Hide N Seek...

This looks like a good place. Mommy won't find me in here!

Where's Jackson?


New foods this week: pickles (an idea from several of the mom's I saw in Indy) - whole dill pickles - he can't chew them up just yet, but they taste great and feel good on his gums. Baby Mum-Mums... organic and gluten free... rice crackers that he can't seem to get enough of. Otherwise, I didn't add anything new. I did discover, however, that my baby does not like jarred baby food. I took jarred organic food to Indy, but it was a struggle every meal time. When we got home he ate my homemade corn and sweet potatoes like it was manna from heaven. Made me feel good :)
Jackson also just lit up when he saw Myles. He doesn't react to ANYONE like he does with Myles. He'll just start talking and giggling. It is amazing. I think those two will end up being more like brothers!
We will spend this week relaxing! On Saturday, Myles and Jackson are getting their pictures taken together. And on Sunday, I will be singing and playing at my Aunt's church. Until next week... Hope your holiday shopping is near finished! Mine is!

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