Hello week 34! Hello 8 Month Old Boy! Goodbye 7 Months! How fast is this all going? I have an 8 month old baby and am getting ready to leave my family in the USA and head back to my husband in Australia. I cannot believe how fast time flies!
This past week was pretty chill. We went to Myles baseball game, visited our friends Marvin, Kristi and their granddaughter Sophie, and had a sleepover with Cousin Myles and Aunt Holly.
I seemed to have solved the sleep problem. Jackson sleeps a lot better on his tummy then he does on his back.

This has worked all week except last night when I finally laid him on his back to sleep only to find he had flipped over to his tummy in the night. Glad he is able to roll himself and get comfortable!
This week also brought on Jackson's first cold. The poor baby has had a runny nose all week. It has just turned into a little cough. We have used a humidifier, Vicks Baby Rub, saline, and propping him up to sleep. It gives him comfort, but we are still waiting on the bug to disappear. I hope he feels better by the time we get on the airplane!

On Monday it was warm enough were we could play outside. Jackson loved playing on the Zebra!

On Saturday, Holly, Myles, Jackson and I went to Sears to get Christmas pictures taken. The boys looked so handsome! Poor Jackson was NOT feeling well and we had a hard time getting him to smile. I think this is a recurring Pictures Studio theme. We got some great pictures though! Here is a sampling:

On Sunday, I sang and played at my Aunt's church. Jackson was such a good little guy during the service.
Jackson has been eating more and more! He LOVES Baby Mum Mum crackers. He has started 3 meals a day.
This week is Christmas! I don't think we'll have a white one, but it is good to be cold. I know next week at this time it will be stinkin' hot! Have a Merry Christmas!

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