Oh, the many faces of week 41!




And we've discovered some new places to play!
The bookcase:

The laundry basket:
And we even got some new toys!
A bowl full of cookie cutters:

An old magazine (but apparently he was just too tired to sit up and tear it apart. He loves to eat paper - I can't tell you how many times this week I have had to stick my finger in his mouth and retrieve paper... wouldn't want a repeat of the price tag incident):

A new walker toy thing (he hasn't figured out how to walk yet... just stand):
Mommy got something new, too! Something new and shiny!

It's Jackson's birthstone (diamonds). And it's stackable. So if we have any more children, I can just keep on a-stackin'. On the inside it's engraved: Jackson 20-04-2009.
Jackson has been sleeping a lot better this week. He was consistently waking up at 3:30 to eat. Until I realized that I wasn't feeding him enough dinner. So we added a cube to his dinner, and voila. Sleeping through. He woke up twice last night - but both times he put himself back to sleep without me having to get up. And when he wakes up in the morning, he doesn't make a sound. He just sits up and plays with his toys until we go in to get him. What a good little guy!
Jackson LOVES to point at things. He points at things he wants, at things he likes, at people he knows, and any random object that catches his fancy. He points at me when he eats (solids and during nursing sessions). He points at the pictures on our fireplace mantle when he wants to look at them. He points at the baby in the mirror. His finger points.

Jackson has started imitating what we do. This includes rolling his tongue, making kissing noises, and roaring (inspired by Kleptosaurus Rex):
New foods this week: Cottage Cheese...EPIC FAIL...you should have seen his face...it was like I fed him worms! I tried twice. I got the same reaction both times. Now he doesn't trust me to put something nice in his mouth. So I'll try that again at a later date and go back to our trusted anything mixed with apples. Hey! There's an idea... maybe I'll mix it with apples. He'll eat anything if it's mixed with apples! We also tried Apricot Chicken with whole pieces of rice, sweet potato fries, and blueberries (smooshed up and mixed with bananas and custard). I also forgot to mention that a couple of weeks ago when we went to Bianca and Jon's for dinner, we had Lemon Meringue Pie for dessert. We thought it would be funny to give the babies a little taste of the lemon bit to see their faces. Julian made a horrible sour face. Jackson not only didn't make a face, but clamored for more! That's my boy!
We are still liking and excelling at swimming. Jackson closes his mouth really tight when he swims so he doesn't get any water in there. Clever boy.
This next week brings much of the same: swimming, playing, etc... and a little variety: big brother Jon moves in, a movie with Bianca and Julian, and a get together with Grandad, Marie, Auntie Allison and Uncle Peter.
Have a good weekend! Go Colts!
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