Week 43...

Quickly gave way to 10 months!

We had a couple of sleepless nights this week due to emerging teeth, but so far nothing new has come in. It can't be far off - I mean, look at all that drool!

I think we are ALL hoping for it to happen soon and quickly and then leave us alone for a while! Whilst I don't like the lack of sleep, I am grateful for the time I get to spend holding and rocking Jackson to sleep. It is about the only time I get to hold him and rock him nowadays. He is WAY too busy for that during the day. There are so many things with which to play, so many things to explore, so many things to put in his mouth, so many things at which to point and so many milestones to accomplish. The most I get is a quick cuddle in between activities. And I'll take it - at least he remembers me!
This week we went to the park and played on the swings:

And we went down the slide (obviously I didn't get any pictures of that... how irresponsible would that be to let my baby go down the slide ALONE?!) But I did get a picture of Jackson's favorite park toy - the Purple Kangaroo:

He LOVED that thing. He could make it wiggle and bounce. He would stand up and sit down and wiggle and talk to it...
We also got a new shopping cart cover. He has been trying to teeth on the bars lately (ew) and grab things off the shelf for entertainment (oops). So this provides a nice distraction as it has toys attached while keeping him from eating germs.

This week Jackson started cruising around the coffee table... perhaps his most favorite place to play. And for what was he cruising? A Coke Zero. No, Jackson! Stay away from the aspartame!
And as Jackson has been getting into everything, we have been saying "no" a lot. He knows not to touch Daddy's guitar. So he just sits there and looks at it. What a good boy!

Luckily the weather has been a bit cooler. At least until today - it is nasty humid and hot. Blech! We hope it goes back to the coolness soon as we are moving house on Friday. I am so not excited...haven't started packing at all...better get on that soon, I guess. I am fully expecting Jackson to need an adjustment period to get used to the new digs. Hopefully it won't coincide with the teething... we could have one out of sorts baby!
Jackson did a fantastic job swimming this week. He continues to get more independent in the water.
He also spent some QT with Daddy. What happens when you leave Daddy and Jackson alone at snack time?

You get wheat puffs on your head!
And the two have a game they like to play...
New foods this week: Hmmm...I don't think I gave him anything new... but we finally got to the point where we are liking cheese! They say it takes 10 - 15 tries for a baby to accept a food. They aren't lying! His favorite dish remains as Cottage Pie with Kumera Mash. Most anything else I have to mix with applesauce to get him to happily chow down. Whatever works!
Well, the cute one is talking to Kleptosaurus Rex (his favorite toy) and making him ROAR (AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRR)! I had better take time from my busy blogging and contemplations of packing to give him a quick cuddle lest he think I forget him :)
From our half naked house to yours...or something...

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