Week 44:

The week started off normal...
Mommy and Jackson played the Chasing Game. That game pretty much consists of Jackson chasing me around...we're both crawling by the way...and then crashing in one big tickle heap in the middle of the floor. It wears me out. I think I'm getting old.

We had Bianca and Julian over for a lunch/playdate on Thursday:

Julian has just started crawling so the boys enjoyed playing with toys and chasing each other around. It was fun to finally see them start to play together. I think Bianca and I have been waiting for this since they were born!

Jackson learned how to climb. His favorite "mountains" are me and anything he can find to use to reach what he is not supposed to be reaching (i.e. papers on my desk, in this case).

I thought I'd teach him a lesson by letting him climb and then he'd realize that he is stuck up there and can't get down. He showed me... climbed down like a pro. Nothing's safe anymore!
Jackson also start this fake smile thing.

He also has a fake laugh. It's hilarious! Where does he learn this stuff??
Friday we signed the lease for our new place, and Saturday started the long task of actually moving. Side Note: I was sick during all of this... a bad head cold, ear infection, and sore throat. Nice timing, cold! David was wonderful over the weekend. I can't tell you how much furniture and how many loads he packed and moved BY HIMSELF! And he did it all with a smile and pleasant demeanor. Jackson was such a good little guy during the move. He played in his new room and with whomever was there looking after him at any given time without complaint.

Saturday night was a late one. Jackson didn't eat dinner until 9 and wasn't in bed till 10:30! And Sunday was much of the same. We stayed at the old house cleaning until 9 (David stayed till 11 by himself), and Jackson wasn't in bed till 10. We are so lucky to have such an easy and good humored baby.
Jackson surprised us on Sunday by all of a sudden "getting" his sippy cup! I had been trying to get him to use one for a while now, but he couldn't quite get the hang of the whole sucking on the spout thing; he'd just chew on it. So I had been giving him a bottle of water with handles on it. On Sunday, after looking at his cup curiously...

BAM! Perfect sippy cup technique and he hasn't looked back at his bottle since!

I love that he was just like "Mom...in my own time...don't force me" and then he just did it! In the midst of being sick and dead tired, I was SO happy! He probably thought I was crazy the way I was cheering him on!
So now that brings us to week 45. March 1. A mere 51 days from Jackson's first birthday. Our first full day in the new house.

We like our new house better than the old one. The old one will always hold a special place in my heart because it is the house to where we brought Jackson home. It was his first house. I was a little teary upon leaving it for the last time after the inspection on Monday morning. But it passed quickly!
The new house is smaller and more cozy, but Jackson has free reign over most of the house. I invested in two baby gates. One goes at the front entrance and blocks off the front door and my studio. The second one goes at the back of the house and blocks off the laundry room and kitchen. So far, Jackson is highly entertained by these gates.

And as he does with so much, he tries to put them in his mouth. But seeing as how they are HUGE, he just ends up licking the bars.

The new house also has gigormous mirrors in the bedrooms. Jackson LOVES the baby in mirror and stops to say hello...

and give that cute baby a kiss...

every day!
In the new house, my studio is up at the front. It is a smaller room, but has excellent acoustics for singing. All of my students seem to be very happy with how they sound here! Jackson likes to come into my studio during breaks and serenade me.
Jackson's gross motor skills are developing more and more every day. He successfully can now cruise by using anyone or anything in his path. He also is working on standing by himself. When he lets go and stands by himself, he smiles big and is so proud. Then he falls on his diapered bottom and tries again. He is so close! Next comes walking. Am I ready for that? Where did my little newborn baby go who didn't even know he had hands? Why does this go so quickly??
Jackson also has mastered his ring toy. After a lot of practice, he can take off and put back on his rings. Granted they aren't in the right order, but you've gotta start somewhere, right?
The beginning of the week was quite chilly. I got to dress Jackson in some of his cuter autumn wardrobe.
I can't say that I was sad. But we are air-conditioned in the new place and I was hoping to get to feel the luxury during the annoying Australian humidity. Luckily, Australian weather doesn't disappoint and the air-con has been getting a good ol' workout the last two days. And while the outside world is sweltering, we are sufficiently chilly.
We were able to enjoy some of the nicer weather outside in the backyard. Jackson loves being outside and I can't wait for the cooler weather (and my 4 week break) to come along so we can play at the park!
On Wednesday the 3rd, tooth number 6 popped through. It is the bottom right (looking at him). Tooth number 7 will be here any day (top left). Watch this spot...
We went to the shopping centre for some household essentials and as Jackson is now too big for the Baby Bjorn, he rides in his stroller. As we were shopping, passers-by were all peering in the stroller and giggling. I started to get a bit paranoid... why are they giggling?? I should've known. Karma.

I've been pretty slack on introducing more foods. Though Jackson will now eat a piece of cheese so I suppose that's something. Tomorrow we're off to the Farmers Market to pick up some fresh (and hopefully new) fruit and veg.
All in all, we are doing quite well. Jackson had no problems adjusting to the new place. David is slowly recouping from all of his hard work. And I have gotten over my cold and am slowly getting through my to-do list and unpacked boxes. We're happy here in the Bennett household! See ya next week!

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