11 months old!!

Tell the people "hi", you 11 month old big boy!

My baby will be 1 in less than a month! We have decided on a theme for his birthday party - dinosaurs. He likes to roar. He stole a dinosaur in his first year. I feel like a dinosaur. It's fitting. I have ordered the invites and have started looking around for other supplies. The date of the big par-tay is April 18. Hold that date. And then we will be celebrating again with Mickey in June.
This week has been fantastic! It was my first week off. Well, I did teach one lesson, but I suppose in the grand scheme of things it wasn't significant.
What did we do this week you ask?
Monday and Tuesday were "are you for real" days... Jackson has been up a lot at night with teething pain. We tried everything. Panadol and teething tablets. Teething rusks. Cold clothes. Teething rings. Vibrating teething toys.
But nothing - NOTHING - helped. He was really out of sorts all day. Very clingy and whingy. I felt so bad for him. And me. Cause I was tired. Out of desperation, last Sunday I ordered an amber teething necklace. Apparently:
"Natural pain relief provided by Amber works by placing the necklace on your body, this allows your skin to warm the amber beads, releasing healing oils which are then absorbed into the blood stream. The active ingredient is succinic acid which is fossilized resin produced by plants 40 – 50 million years ago. In nature the resin would have been used by the tree as a natural antibiotic against infection, viruses and physical attack. The tree would use the resin like a plaster or wound dressing. Now the resin has been fossilized, its healing properties have been captured in the resin which are release once the amber has been warmed. Nobel-prize winner Robert Koch (1886) was the pioneer of modern bacteriology proved that succinic acid has a very positive influence on the body."
I know it sounds very new-agey, but I was willing to try anything. We got it in the mail on Tuesday and it appears to have helped. A lot! Ever since Jackson has been wearing it he has been less whingy, less drooly, and has started sleeping through the night again! Coincidence? Maybe. But I'm not taking the necklace off of him (at night he sleeps with it doubled over around his ankle - I'm not stupid enough to leave it around his neck at night. Bad mommy)! And he looks cute in it.

On Wednesday, we went to the lake to have a picnic with our friends Bianca and Julian. The boys loved playing together.

At one point, Bianca was feeding the seagulls. They would all dive for the little piece of bread and make a squawking noise. Julian was ready to dive in as well, but Jackson just wanted to observe. Everytime they dove and squawked, Jackson jumped! Scary seagulls!
On Thursday, we had swimming lessons as normal. When we got home, Jackson found that the baby in the mirror plays a good game of peekaboo:
On Friday, we went to daddy's work and then came home, had a nap, then went shopping. I have been taking Jackson on a walk every evening. Sometimes down to the shops; sometimes along the track. This evening, we went to the shops. I wanted to buy a drink caddy for the stroller.
Friday was the first day that Jackson started only taking one nap. For about a week prior, nap time had become a struggle. It would take 45 minutes to an hour to get him to go to sleep. So on Friday (after a good night's sleep, thank you amber teething necklace) we stayed busy till about 1:00. Then, voila... easy naptime. Slept for about 2.5 hours. Then fresh as a daisy. Added bonus: no bed time struggle either! We also discovered that he needs about 15 minutes before nap/bed time to wind down. So we lay on the sofa and watch one of his DVDs and snuggle. He did have a 30 minute catch up nap this morning. I think he was woken up too early this morning by the stupid birds on our tin roof. In any case, we'll try just the one afternoon nap from now on. It gives us much more freedom during the day. It also cuts our nursing sessions down to only 4 a day. My boobs, they doth protest. They'll get used to it though.
Saturday David looked after Jackson all morning while I locked myself in my studio to work on my Masters.

I got a lot done, but still need a couple more days to finish up the Gershwin chapter. Mel is coming to look after Jackson tomorrow so I can do just that. I hope my brain is switched on tomorrow! After Saturday's nap, Jackson and I headed to the Ocean Baths for a swim. Yes, it has gotten very hot again. But am I complaining as much? No. We have air-conditioning. And the baths were lovely.

We had so much fun that we went back today! And we took Daddy!

New foods this week: Goldfish. I had them ordered in especially for Jackson. And he likes them. Why wouldn't he? Goldfish are yummy!

Jackson is so close to walking. He can stand by himself really well now and has been trying to take steps. He can get one in before he falls over. He is a pro with his walker toy though. Just that pesky turning around business...
I also managed to catch his fake laugh on video purely by accident. Where does he get this?
I think that about covers it for this week. We love you! Thanks for reading!
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