What a better way to celebrate week 49 of life than with a Butler win and advancement to the final games! The three of us watched the second half of the game online (cool!) and I am sure Jackson was wondering what mommy was doing jumping around and screaming. I am so proud of my alma mater. It all creates a sense of nostalgia, and I have spent a fair amount of time this week thinking about my BU friends and college days. How cool would it have been to take David and Jackson to the game where I would have been certain to see many old friends in their adult-dom?
But back to reality... online watching will have to do. And luckily, FaceBook gets an almost immediate response during the game as well so it's like we are there... kind of.
I meant to post this last night after Jackson went to bed, but it turns out the poor little guy got sick and had a 39.1C (102.1F) temperature and found it a bit difficult to get comfortable. After 2 hours, we finally managed to bring his temperature down a bit and he went to sleep. (To make matters worse, during the day he was cruising alongside the entertainment unit, when he sneezed. His head went forward and he banged it on the edge. The resulting lump caused a few headaches I'm sure.) I went to bed shortly after not knowing how much he would be up during the night. When he cried again 2 hours later and I took his temp, it had gone down to 37.8C (100.4F) and he was able to go back to sleep with a little nursing. He didn't sleep exceptionally well through the night, but it could have been worse. And he didn't sleep late either... in fact, he was up a half hour earlier than normal. But today his runny nose appears to be 90% better and his fever is gone (so is his lump). He is in good spirits. Phew! I was a nervous Mama last night!
Jackson hasn't been an exceptional sleeper this week at all. Out of the 8 nights that have passed since the last blog post, I would only consider 3 to be "good". I am sure his "bad" nights have been due to his molars and incisors making their way to the surface. For 3 nights in a row, he (and subsequently me) was up every 25 minutes. And I thought newborn baby sleep deprivation was bad. Now, I know what you're thinking... surely this sweet face

wouldn't have any difficult pushing teeth through. Well, let me tell you now, that the poor little guy is NOT a good teether. Amber necklace or no, it causes him pain and it really seems to bother him at night.
As a side note story: one of the only nights when Jackson slept through, we didn't. Why? Because there was a mouse in our room. How do I know? Well, about 4:00 Jackson started whimpering. I woke up to find David staring at our drawers. "There's a mouse in there," he said. And sure enough I heard scratch scratch scratch. Then it hit me. "I know where it is," I said.
"Where?" - David
"In the top middle drawer." - Me
"How do you know?" - David
"Because I keep a secret stash of M&Ms in there." - Me
Needless to say, it was a secret no longer and David was NOT amused by said stash. We could hear said mouse eating said stash. I was mad at the mouse; David was mad at me. We began taking out the drawers one by one, but the mouse kept running down the drawers. Finally we had it trapped. We got a shoe box ready to capture it and set it free OUTSIDE. It ran behind David's guitars. We were ready. Then it disappeared. Gone. We've seen it no more. But 1 hour later we were back in bed. Jackson had gone back to sleep and stayed that way even though we were making a horrible racket. And I was the cause of that night's sleep deprivation.
So in a haze of sleep deprivation, I write you this blog. Please forgive if it doesn't make any sense, or I rabbit on, or I forget something major. It's mommy brain.
Some of the week's major developmental milestones include:
Walking...well, 4 steps...and he didn't know what he had done. David let go and he walked the 4 steps to where I was. He didn't realize that David had let go and he was doing it on his own. And he was certainly confused when David and I started screaming. So I don't think it counts as "the" walking, but he's getting there!
Jackson is nearly too big for his Exersaucer now, but he still sits in there while he's eating his snack. When he's done with his snack, he has a jump. It's a bit scary sounding:
On Saturday morning as I was folding clothes, all of a sudden Jackson climbed onto the coffee table. Apparently Ben 10 is better from up there.
In addition to a Butler win on Sunday morning (our time), the Easter Bunny came to visit. He brought David and I a chocolate egg each and Jackson his first chocolate bunny (organic, lactose-free of course). We let him have the ears for breakfast.
The smile says it all.
Other foods this week: Pizza (well, toast with pizza sauce and cheese)
Messy, but good!
We are glad that he is able to eat off of our plates more often now. It's a little more convenient, but we usually still fix him his own little meal. Just today I made about a months worth of fruits and veg from the Farmers Market yesterday.
Because of the holiday weekend, we were lucky to have David home for a 4 day weekend. We tried to do something fun everyday. On Friday, Julian came over to play (while Julian's daddy Jon came over to talk with David). The boys had so much fun playing. Jackson showed him all his toys and the cool things to do around the house.
MAGNETS ("Look Julian! No really... LOOK!)
Jackson likes his friend Julian so much!
On Saturday, we went to the park.
Sunday, was, of course, the Easter Bunny and Farmers Market. We stayed home in the afternoon and most of the day today due to Jackson's being sick.
What else did we do this week?
Well, the normal swimming and day to day routine. Jackson helped me do the laundry.
He did a fair amount of singing.
And banging.
And playing.

Every evening Jackson gets excited for Daddy to get home. He'll wait for his Daddy by the door and gets so excited when he sees his Daddy finally walking through the front gate.

I think I've covered everything. I would just like to add that in 2 weeks from tomorrow my little bitty baby boy will be 1. Wow. I have been reflecting on what I was doing this time last year. Mainly being very large and complaining a lot, I think. I can't really remember what life was like without Jackson. Nor do I really want to. He is the best thing that I have ever done.
GO BUTLER!!! We'll be watching online decked out in our Butler Blue. Where will you be?
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