It has been quite a week here. Besides Jackson turning 17 months old, we spent last weekend hanging out with Nana while Bapa was at his Iron Man tournament. We picked out Jackson's Halloween costume and took great delight when he tried it on in the store. We, of course, took pictures, but I'll keep it a surprise until the appointed date.
Nana also bought Jackson an Elmo doll. He LOVES Elmo. First thing in the morning he looks for Elmo; we can't leave for daycare without Elmo; and it is important that Elmo eat breakfast with us. Jackson likes to take Elmo on rides.
Jackson and Elmo help Nana with the sweeping.
Jackson also helped Nana vacuum.
We had a great weekend playing with Nana!
Jackson has had a full week in daycare. I am amazed at the new things he does every day! I walked in to pick him up on Wednesday and he was sitting at the table with his friends getting ready to have cupcakes for one of the little girl's birthday. He came and gave me a hug and then went back and sat in his seat and waited for his cupcake which he ate one bite at a time. Such a big boy!
He has added some new words to his vocabulary. Apple, Daw-taw (Bapa), Cookie. And he now knows what a snake says: "ssssss".
Thanks to the DVR we were able to watch a couple of Yo Gabba Gabba episodes. He still likes them as much as always!
Jackson and Myles mowed the lawn.
Jackson got some new Halloween pajamas. I thinks he looks like a big boy in them!
What wasn't fun about this week? When I acquired the illustrious stomach virus that is going around on Thursday. NOT fun! I have been living on ice chips and Gatorade for the past 24 hours. My parents did a good job of keeping Jackson away from me, but that only made him more upset. The poor little guy. Luckily I am feeling better today. The inside baby kicked ALL day. I bet he was wondering what was going on! I am hoping I didn't pass it on to anyone else. What a horrible thing!
Speaking of the inside baby, I have officially entered the third trimester. Besides the massive indigestion and calf and leg cramps, I am not feeling too bad. The check out chick at Best Buy told me I looked huge. Gee thanks.
Not much else to tell this week. Toodaloo from Mommy and Jackson!
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