Saturday, December 18, 2010

Just The Way You Are (Amazing)

Dear Samuel,

On December 15, 2010, your Dad and I were blessed to have you enter our lives. I want to share with you our experience in hopes that you will know the love that surrounded you when you entered this world.

Our day started early...4:00am to be exact. I was scheduled for a repeat Cesarean and we had to be at the hospital by 5:00am. We arrived at the hospital, checked in, and the wonderful nurses quickly and relatively painlessly got me ready for surgery. I was hooked up to an IV, a monitor for your heart, and a monitor for contractions. Ironically enough, I began to have contractions. They seemed different than the Braxton Hicks contractions I had been experiencing and sure enough, I was in active labor! How exciting! You were going to come that day scheduled or not!

Your Dad and I waited in Triage for Dr Howell to arrive. I was very nervous, but more so excited to see your sweet little face. We were both curious as to what you'd look like. Would you look like your brother?

Dr Howell was running a bit late, but once he arrived, the nurses walked me down to the Operating Room to start the procedure. Your Daddy wasn't allowed to come in with me at first, but the nurses were very comforting while the anaesthesiologist was giving me medicine so I could enjoy meeting you. There was a bit of trouble getting the spinal in. It took about 3 numbing needles and 4 attempts before it was successful. I tried to be brave, but I'll admit that a few tears were shed. I was happy to see Dr Howell walk in - a friendly, familiar face! Dr Howell was a fantastic Doctor - I couldn't speak more highly of him if I tried.

When I was all ready for the surgery - legs and torso numb, catheter in, curtain up - they brought your Daddy in to be with us. It wasn't long at all before we heard "look over the curtain" and your Daddy got to see you for the first time! We heard your sweet cry and Dr Howell brought you around so I could see you, too!

You were absolutely perfect. Lots of blond hair and the sweetest blue eyes! You were born at 7:52am, weighed 17 lbs 15 ozs and were 19.5 in long. It was love at first sight.

You were checked all over and Daddy cut your umbilical chord.

Then they wrapped you up, gave you to your Daddy and he brought you over to me (I tear up just thinking of it now).

I got to stroke your little cheeks while Dr Howell finished stitching me up and then the three of us went into the Recovery Room. There I was able to kiss you and nurse you and hold you tight. About an hour later, we were moved into room 1311...what would be our home for the next 4 days and 3 nights.

A little while later, you got to meet your Bapa, Nana, Aunt Holly and Uncle Noel, as well as Dr Tim Hobbs and my friend Kristi Miller. Your cousin Myles came to see you when he got out of school, too. But the most precious introduction took place later that evening. You got to meet your brother, Jackson.

He loved you immediately. He gave you kisses and was all smiles. What a proud big brother!

And I was a proud Mommy!

Our first night alone wasn't full of much alone-ness. The nurses kept coming in for one thing or another. But no one could wipe that smile off my face!

We found out that your blood type was A+ (just like your Daddy's) and mine was O+. Apparently, my body had made antibodies against your blood so they had to keep a close watch on your bilirubin levels. Luckily, everything checked out okay and on Saturday, Dec 18 we were able to go home.

Unfortunately, your Daddy caught the stomach flu that had been going around so he wasn't able to bring us home. But your Nana came to the rescue! (Never fear - your Daddy was all better the next day and was so excited to see you at home!)

And from here, our real journey begins...your journey begins...

Thank you, Samuel Wrye, for coming into my life. You are such a special little boy and I look forward to seeing what life holds for you. The number one single on the day you were born was "Just The Way You Are (Amazing)" by Bruno Mars. It couldn't be more appropriate. You are amazing. I love you now and forever!


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