I am feeling pretty good. We are all over our sicknesses (yes, the Penicillin was causing Jackson's diarrhea and red butt - so we'll add that to the no-give list along with the eggs and milk). I was able to fulfill ALL of my work commitments; my weight gain has really slowed down and I don't feel as "big" as I did - I carried Jackson back further than Inside Baby...he is all out front; and despite a Urinary Tract Infection and several painful episodes of Braxton Hicks contractions, the last few weeks have been pretty uneventful!
Here is my final belly pic at 39 weeks:
Some things that have happened since my last post:
We celebrated Thanksgiving. Jackson looked so handsome in his cords and sweater.
We deep fried a turkey which turned out absolutely delicious!!
It went so well that we decided to try our hand at deep fried Twinkies. They were equally as delicious!
We also celebrated Myles's 7th birthday at GattiTown.
I am so glad David is here. He has been here for nearly 2 weeks now! Jackson was so excited to see him and loves being able to see Dada and play with him every day!
I put in a special order of snow just so David could see it fall and it did! Nearly 3 inches, too! And cold cold cold complete with ice and loveliness. David is in ice heaven - he thinks this is all fantastic! Jackson got to wear his new winter gear.
I am still nesting, but have nearly gotten everything set up. Jackson's new room has a coloring station:
And a train set (the child LOVES choo-choo trains. LOVES them):
Jackson's vocabulary has grown leaps and bounds. He speaks so clearly and for the most part is able to get what he needs to say across fairly accurately and easily.
New words include:
Toles (Thomas)
Sponge Bob
Choo-Choo Train
Don't Touch
Christmas Tree
Ho Ho (Santa)
JuJu (Judy)
Pee-shoo (stinky diaper)
Scratch scratch (bunny rabbit - one of his books associates the bunny with the sound scratch scratch)
He has begun saying two word phrases like "more cheese" and "bye Bapa".
Can sing ABC's... well, the melody... still working on the letters bit
Can count...kind of...the numbers aren't in order, but you can make out three, six, one, etc...
And if you say "big and strong" to Jackson he shows you his muscles. Hilarious!
But mostly, we've spent our last weeks as a family of three being silly!
(New favorite bathtime game - squirt the adult outside the bath)
(Typical Jackson - juice cup in one hand, train/truck/car in the other)
So I am going to quit blogging and spend time with my family for our final night together. We have to be at the hospital at 5am tomorrow morning and surgery is scheduled for 7am. We look forward to welcoming Inside Baby to the Outside World. And we can't wait to introduce him to you.
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