Just thought I'd make an update on Jackson's developmental skills.
Height: 35 in
Weight: 25 lb
All of his teeth are in with the exception of two of the 2-year molars on the right side.
He talks a lot, and learns new words every day. He speaks in sentences, and can answer questions and follow instructions quite well (and sometimes humorously)!
Some are my recent favorites are:
"What now?"
"S is for Samuel" and then hands Samuel the letter S
When something hurts on Jackson, he'll come up to me and say "My _____ hurts. Kiss it"
He learned how to use a water gun.

Though he mainly shoots himself in the face.

He is finally in 18 month clothes. Though I do have to use a belt or a dapper snapper to keep his pants from falling down.

Jackson loves to watch movies. His current favorite is Cars. He loves anything and everything Lightning McQueen.

He also loves to work puzzles. And he is very good at it.

He loves the ABCs and can identify most letters and a word (or two) that begins with that letter. He knows most of his colors (red, blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, white, black, purple). He knows his body parts. And he can count to 11. He can sing several songs (The Alphabet Song, Row Row Row Your Boat, and a CleanUp Song). Most of all, he LOVES to dance.
He is so ready to start on his potty learning journey. He tells me when he has to go pee and poop and when he needs to be changed, and he likes to sit on the potty. But he won't do go IN the potty just yet. The goal is to embark on the 3 day potty training method the first week of June. The time is upon us!
Jackson likes most food. His favorites are grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, cheeseburgers (do you see a theme here), peas, oranges, bananas, sausage, granola bars, and applesauce. We still do our traditional Saturday morning boboball (donutball) run. He isn't a big fan of ice cream or french fries though he will eat them on occasion. For a special treat, he prefers a cookie or marshmallows.
He is an incredibly sweet little boy. He says "please" "thank you" and "sorry" without prompting at the appropriate times. He loves his little brother and gives him kisses and hugs daily. He likes playing with his daycare buddies (especially Madelyn and Dillon). I am so thankful for and happy with Miss Brandy, Jackson's daycare provider. Samuel will be joining the clan in August when I go back to work.
Don't worry...it isn't all happiness and light. Jackson does act 2 at times - stubborn and demanding, insisting things be done his way. He does have tantrums and try to weasel his way out of bedtime anyway possible ("Brush Teeth", "Wash Hands", "Wipe Eyes", "Wipe Nose", "Juice", "Fan On", "Brush Hair", "Read Book" ...I've heard them all). But luckily, they are few and far between at the moment.
Mostly he loves life, running and playing and exploring. And life loves him. Where did my little baby go?
Height: 35 in
Weight: 25 lb
All of his teeth are in with the exception of two of the 2-year molars on the right side.
He talks a lot, and learns new words every day. He speaks in sentences, and can answer questions and follow instructions quite well (and sometimes humorously)!
Some are my recent favorites are:
"What now?"
"S is for Samuel" and then hands Samuel the letter S
When something hurts on Jackson, he'll come up to me and say "My _____ hurts. Kiss it"
He learned how to use a water gun.
Though he mainly shoots himself in the face.
He is finally in 18 month clothes. Though I do have to use a belt or a dapper snapper to keep his pants from falling down.
Jackson loves to watch movies. His current favorite is Cars. He loves anything and everything Lightning McQueen.
He also loves to work puzzles. And he is very good at it.
He loves the ABCs and can identify most letters and a word (or two) that begins with that letter. He knows most of his colors (red, blue, green, orange, yellow, pink, white, black, purple). He knows his body parts. And he can count to 11. He can sing several songs (The Alphabet Song, Row Row Row Your Boat, and a CleanUp Song). Most of all, he LOVES to dance.
He is so ready to start on his potty learning journey. He tells me when he has to go pee and poop and when he needs to be changed, and he likes to sit on the potty. But he won't do go IN the potty just yet. The goal is to embark on the 3 day potty training method the first week of June. The time is upon us!
Jackson likes most food. His favorites are grilled cheese, macaroni and cheese, cheeseburgers (do you see a theme here), peas, oranges, bananas, sausage, granola bars, and applesauce. We still do our traditional Saturday morning boboball (donutball) run. He isn't a big fan of ice cream or french fries though he will eat them on occasion. For a special treat, he prefers a cookie or marshmallows.
He is an incredibly sweet little boy. He says "please" "thank you" and "sorry" without prompting at the appropriate times. He loves his little brother and gives him kisses and hugs daily. He likes playing with his daycare buddies (especially Madelyn and Dillon). I am so thankful for and happy with Miss Brandy, Jackson's daycare provider. Samuel will be joining the clan in August when I go back to work.
Don't worry...it isn't all happiness and light. Jackson does act 2 at times - stubborn and demanding, insisting things be done his way. He does have tantrums and try to weasel his way out of bedtime anyway possible ("Brush Teeth", "Wash Hands", "Wipe Eyes", "Wipe Nose", "Juice", "Fan On", "Brush Hair", "Read Book" ...I've heard them all). But luckily, they are few and far between at the moment.
Mostly he loves life, running and playing and exploring. And life loves him. Where did my little baby go?
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