Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Driving In My Car...

...and getting one cute haircut!

Monday, May 30, 2011

Paint A Picture

4 colors + a couple of sheets of paper + free reign to make a MESS = 1 HAPPY 2 YEAR OLD

Sunday, May 29, 2011

Slippin' & Slidin'

Remember back in the day...those summer months...no school...when your parents let you hook up the sprinkler to a skinny strip of colorful plastic...you back up, take off running, and whiiiiiiish...the slip n' slide was your life till it got to cold (or dark). Well, picture those days only with a fancy new slip n' slide with fountains and a landing pool...

My soul felt 10...my child had fun....and my body is going to hurt in the morning...

Saturday, May 28, 2011

The Pushbike Song/Drive (It's A MashUp)

To Drive

Or To Bike

That is the question.

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days Of Summer

Now that summer is upon us and life isn't requiring us to move along at the speed of light, we are able to enjoy the finer things in life.

Jackson has learned how to put on his own shoes...even if they are on the wrong feet.

Samuel and Jackson love bathtime...but then again who wouldn't with all those fun colors.

Samuel has found his feet...they are the greatest toys in the world...right behind his brother, that is.

Jackson loves to read (takes after his Mama on that one).

Samuel is getting so strong. He is a pro at rolling back to tummy and has even managed to go tummy to back several times. Tummy time is happy time nowadays.

Jackson finally meet Mio's cats, Frankie and Johnny. I had NO IDEA that he loved cats that much. I don't think he has ever been around a cat in his life (with the exception of Ziggy RIP). He was so cute chasing them around saying "Where's Johnny? Where's Frankie? Where's Kitty Cats?"

Samuel still isn't a great sleeper at night waking 2-3 times a night. I think this is partially due to the fact that he doesn't eat consistently during the day due to busy schedules and my attentions being taken up by an active toddler. I am hoping when he starts on rice cereal (next week!!) he'll start sleeping in a bit longer stretches. He naps just fine...it's the night time thing that I'd like to see improve. Samuel got a new bedroom when we had to do a little rearranging to accommodate the arrival of my sister and Myles into our comfy abode. I am pleased with how his new room turned out.

Jackson and Samuel are able to play more together each day that passes. Samuel likes to sit in his exersaucer to play with his own toys, and it puts Samuel up on Jackson's level for them to interact. Jackson has even been known to get out his "soccey ball" and throw it to Samuel saying "catch it". Samuel just giggles. His smile is the biggest and brightest when Jackson is around.

The boys are growing so fast. I love each and every day with them. Both are so well behaved, good tempered and have their own little personalities. My life is blessed.

We look forward to enjoying our summer. Bapa has already started to grill out (YUMMY), and we have already gotten out the sprinkler toys.

Some fun adventures we have planned for this summer are:
Going to meet and ride on Thomas the Train
The Indianapolis Children's Museum
The Cincinnati Zoo
Soccer Tots
The Evansville Children's Museum
St Louis Cardinal's Baseball Game

And lots of time to chill out!

Happy beginning of Summer!!

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

So Close

I am SO CLOSE to my pre-Jackson weight. Only 4 more lbs! I finally gave in and bought new jeans. I could pull the jeans I WAS wearing down without even undoing the belt. Much to my surprise when I went to try on NEW jeans, I was down 5 SIZES!

These last 4 lbs are proving to be stubborn. But I'll get them off. Between yoga and healthy eating and zumba and chasing a toddler around and nursing a baby, they are sure to come off. Eventually.

But for now...I'm Feeling Good!

Sunday, May 22, 2011


It's finally here!

Dinners on the grill.

Evenings outside.

Bike rides.

Fun in the sprinkler.

Welcome back! We've missed you!

Saturday, May 21, 2011

It's The End Of The World As We Know It (And I Feel Fine)

Look! It's us! Post-faux-rapture!

Although we do have some funny flash eyes going on...or do we?

Duh Duh Duuuuuuh.....

Thursday, May 19, 2011


Samuel finally can fight back. Jackson thinks it's hilarious.

Moral of the story: don't mess with the little guy. Unless he's your brother. Because he'll probably just think you are funny.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Dirty Little Secret

On the day we discovered a dirty little secret that hurt someone very close to us, at least we got to play at the park first.

Look, we can creep, too. Jerk.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


The results of an impromptu photo shoot...with a toddler who is both anti-camera and independently two...and a defensless 5 month old who thinks his brother is the bee's knees.

And the resulting picture of my ensuing bribe: "Sit still and I'll give you a cookie".

I should have said "smile, too".

I'm Sensitive

Thumbs Up for being 5 Months Old!

My sweet little boy continues to be all things wonderful.

Since he was born he has had sensitive skin. It was being diagnosed as cradle cap, but in the past couple of weeks it got bad. Really bad. And so I took Samuel back into his pediatrician and he was diagnosed as having a severe case of eczema with a secondary skin infection. It looked horrible, weeped all the time, and was itchy for the poor little guy. I think it took so long for the pediatrician to get the right diagnosis because only the skin on his scalp and face was affected

He was put on a short course of oral steroids, and some antibiotics. Within a few days it had cleared right up. Now I am on the quest to find out the trigger as to prevent it from coming back. Or at least coming back as severe as it was.

I asked Jackson what color Samuel's hair was. Jackson said "pink". I was okay with that...strawberry blonde, you know. But then I asked him what color Jackson's hair was. And he said "blue". Hm. Samuel does have beautiful strawberry blonde hair and these gorgeous blue eyes that light up when he smiles...which he does frequently.

I have started swaddling him at night, and consequently he has been sleeping a lot better. As of last week, he has been sleeping through the night unless he breaks out of his swaddle.

He loves to put his hands in his mouth, and has become quite the thumb sucker.

Besides rolling over, he is learning how to sit up.

Jackson loves to share his toys with Samuel. And his hats.

His giggles are infectious. He is loved by everyone...but most of all me! And these last 5 months have been a dream!