In other non-potty related news...

It's hard for me to believe that half a year has gone by since he was born. Samuel is just the sweetest little boy you could imagine. He is easy going and content to do whatever. He loves to play in his exersaucer...even more so now that his legs can reach the base. He LOVES to stand up.

He is teething like a maniac. I wouldn't be surprised if 6 teeth popped up at the same time. He goes through AT LEAST 4 bibs a day due to complete drooliness. And he chews on anything and everything...(PS - thanks Myles for the loan of your fingers)!

He rolls in both directions, is learning the art of sitting up, and can transfer toys from hand to hand. He loves playing with his feet and talking to his monkeys.
It's hard for me to believe that half a year has gone by since he was born. Samuel is just the sweetest little boy you could imagine. He is easy going and content to do whatever. He loves to play in his exersaucer...even more so now that his legs can reach the base. He LOVES to stand up.
He is teething like a maniac. I wouldn't be surprised if 6 teeth popped up at the same time. He goes through AT LEAST 4 bibs a day due to complete drooliness. And he chews on anything and everything...(PS - thanks Myles for the loan of your fingers)!
He rolls in both directions, is learning the art of sitting up, and can transfer toys from hand to hand. He loves playing with his feet and talking to his monkeys.
I don't have height and weight stats as of yet. His 6 month checkup isn't for another week and a half. He still gets a little eczema on his legs, arms and scalp, but nowhere near as bad as what it was. We use an all natural eczema lotion in the morning and night. It seems to keep it at bay.
Samuel is still exclusively breastfed. I will start him on rice cereal as soon as Jackson and I finish our three day potty-fest. Hopefully that will help Sambo sleep better. He is not the greatest sleeper in the world. He still wakes up on average twice a night (don't know if that is hunger or teething - he usually eats on one side and falls back asleep). He is on a consistent sleep routine though - 45 minutes around 10:30, 2.5 - 3 hours around 12:30, and a 10 minute powernap around 7. Bedtime at 8:15...wakes up for the morning around the 7:30 mark.
Samuel's smile is so sweet. He has a contagious little laugh - he loves to be tickled and his cheeks kissed. He thinks Jackson is the bees knees. He loves to blow raspberries and click his tongue, and is starting to work on his "mmm" sound. You know what that means? There is a "Mama" in the near future :) It's only fair - Jackson's first word was "Dada".
I love you so much sweet Samuel. I can't imagine my world without you.

Samuel is still exclusively breastfed. I will start him on rice cereal as soon as Jackson and I finish our three day potty-fest. Hopefully that will help Sambo sleep better. He is not the greatest sleeper in the world. He still wakes up on average twice a night (don't know if that is hunger or teething - he usually eats on one side and falls back asleep). He is on a consistent sleep routine though - 45 minutes around 10:30, 2.5 - 3 hours around 12:30, and a 10 minute powernap around 7. Bedtime at 8:15...wakes up for the morning around the 7:30 mark.
Samuel's smile is so sweet. He has a contagious little laugh - he loves to be tickled and his cheeks kissed. He thinks Jackson is the bees knees. He loves to blow raspberries and click his tongue, and is starting to work on his "mmm" sound. You know what that means? There is a "Mama" in the near future :) It's only fair - Jackson's first word was "Dada".
I love you so much sweet Samuel. I can't imagine my world without you.
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