Potty Training - The Three Day Method: Day 1
Wow. That was the roughest day we have had together since the Crying It Out stage. Everyone said it would be messy and rough, but I didn't expect THIS!
We started out the day saying goodbye to diapers as we "threw them away". Jackson was so excited to put on his new Lightning McQueen underwear!

Then we went to the potty for the first time. I guess Jackson thought this sounded great in theory, but when we actually sat on the potty...that's when the tears began. The first try was a no go. That's ok...a sticker on the Good Try side of the chart. Then he wanted to sit on the potty again...in theory. Tears. Big Tantrum. Another sticker on the Good Try side. Then the accidents started. Only they never ended. They started coming about every 15 minutes. Easy (so I thought). I'll set the timer for 15 minutes instead of my original 1 hour. Jackson was happy to hear the potty song alarm every 15 minutes (Pants On The Ground...haha), but couldn't ever seem to go pee-pee in the potty. Instead, he would pee right after.
But here is the odd part. It wasn't a big puddle. It was always just a little bit, and he would always say "ought oh". I am pretty sure he knew he wasn't supposed to pee on the floor or in his underwear so he would stop the pee. However, he couldn't get it to come out on the potty either.
I have never been so happy to see naptime. I decided to do pullups during naptime and bedtime. The morning was so stressful that I needed that time to regroup.
The naptime stats were: 10 tries, 7 accidents, 4 tantrums, and 0 successes.
Near the end of naptime, I went to get Jackson out of bed while he was still half asleep to put him on the potty in hopes that he would go. And he did! His first success! We celebrated with a Skittle and a sticker on the "I DID IT" side of the chart.

I decided to let him run around bare bottomed hoping that would inspire him to go in the potty. Next thing I know he had pooped on the floor. And I guess he didn't realize he didn't have on a diaper or underwear and he stepped in it before I could get to him to pick him up. So now there is smooshed up poop in the carpet. Blech. I clean Jackson and start to clean the floor (1 TBSP liquid dishwashing soap, 1 TBSP white vinegar, and 2 cups of warm water...gets poop stains out of your carpet by the way) when he pees on the floor. So we go sit on the potty. He cries. Chalk one up to the try side. As I go back to continue cleaning the poop and pee off the floor, he pees again (a little pee...never big puddles). By the time I get that all cleaned up, he has peed again. It was like by the time I had one mess clean, he would make another one. It was like every 5 minutes. At this point I had to excuse myself to go into another room to cry, call a friend and regroup. All I wanted to do was put a diaper on him.
Wow. That was the roughest day we have had together since the Crying It Out stage. Everyone said it would be messy and rough, but I didn't expect THIS!
We started out the day saying goodbye to diapers as we "threw them away". Jackson was so excited to put on his new Lightning McQueen underwear!
Then we went to the potty for the first time. I guess Jackson thought this sounded great in theory, but when we actually sat on the potty...that's when the tears began. The first try was a no go. That's ok...a sticker on the Good Try side of the chart. Then he wanted to sit on the potty again...in theory. Tears. Big Tantrum. Another sticker on the Good Try side. Then the accidents started. Only they never ended. They started coming about every 15 minutes. Easy (so I thought). I'll set the timer for 15 minutes instead of my original 1 hour. Jackson was happy to hear the potty song alarm every 15 minutes (Pants On The Ground...haha), but couldn't ever seem to go pee-pee in the potty. Instead, he would pee right after.
But here is the odd part. It wasn't a big puddle. It was always just a little bit, and he would always say "ought oh". I am pretty sure he knew he wasn't supposed to pee on the floor or in his underwear so he would stop the pee. However, he couldn't get it to come out on the potty either.
I have never been so happy to see naptime. I decided to do pullups during naptime and bedtime. The morning was so stressful that I needed that time to regroup.
The naptime stats were: 10 tries, 7 accidents, 4 tantrums, and 0 successes.
Near the end of naptime, I went to get Jackson out of bed while he was still half asleep to put him on the potty in hopes that he would go. And he did! His first success! We celebrated with a Skittle and a sticker on the "I DID IT" side of the chart.
I decided to let him run around bare bottomed hoping that would inspire him to go in the potty. Next thing I know he had pooped on the floor. And I guess he didn't realize he didn't have on a diaper or underwear and he stepped in it before I could get to him to pick him up. So now there is smooshed up poop in the carpet. Blech. I clean Jackson and start to clean the floor (1 TBSP liquid dishwashing soap, 1 TBSP white vinegar, and 2 cups of warm water...gets poop stains out of your carpet by the way) when he pees on the floor. So we go sit on the potty. He cries. Chalk one up to the try side. As I go back to continue cleaning the poop and pee off the floor, he pees again (a little pee...never big puddles). By the time I get that all cleaned up, he has peed again. It was like by the time I had one mess clean, he would make another one. It was like every 5 minutes. At this point I had to excuse myself to go into another room to cry, call a friend and regroup. All I wanted to do was put a diaper on him.
(Poor little Samuel through all of this...he had to entertain himself most of the day).
Fast forward an hour...I did a load of laundry (ran out of underwear...put those things on him as fast as I could after the whole poop on the floor incident). I pulled the little potty into the family room. And I made up a song about how pee-pee and poo-poo goes in the potty. At this point, Jackson would pee a little, say "ought oh" and run to the potty. He could never get his pee to come out IN the potty...and started saying "owie". So I am guessing his little bladder was so full that it hurt, but he couldn't get it to come out in the potty and he knew he wasn't supposed to pee on the floor or in his underwear. This carried on through dinner. He did end up having two very small successes (I was happy to celebrate anything positive). He was so excited when I asked him "Do you see any pee pee in the potty?" and there was pee in there. His smile was so big and he gave me the biggest hug and screamed "I did it!" To see your child succeed is a great feeling.

By the time bathtime came around and I put him in the bath, he peed like there was no tomorrow in the tub. Poor little guy! We put on a pullup, played a little, sat on the potty before bed, and both of the little guys are now asleep. I am trying to come up with a game plan for tomorrow. Maybe we'll be outside all day. With the little potty. But no timer. That didn't work for us.
End of the day stats:
3 Successes
12 *Official* Tries
19 Accidents

Here's what I think went right today: He has learned the beginning sensation of pee. He knows where to go when it happens and he goes to his potty when the pee starts to come out. And he helps me clean the pee up off the floor.
I am hoping tomorrow brings an easier toilet time for Jackson and a renewed sense of patience and positivity for me. Off to bed. I'm exhausted.
Fast forward an hour...I did a load of laundry (ran out of underwear...put those things on him as fast as I could after the whole poop on the floor incident). I pulled the little potty into the family room. And I made up a song about how pee-pee and poo-poo goes in the potty. At this point, Jackson would pee a little, say "ought oh" and run to the potty. He could never get his pee to come out IN the potty...and started saying "owie". So I am guessing his little bladder was so full that it hurt, but he couldn't get it to come out in the potty and he knew he wasn't supposed to pee on the floor or in his underwear. This carried on through dinner. He did end up having two very small successes (I was happy to celebrate anything positive). He was so excited when I asked him "Do you see any pee pee in the potty?" and there was pee in there. His smile was so big and he gave me the biggest hug and screamed "I did it!" To see your child succeed is a great feeling.
By the time bathtime came around and I put him in the bath, he peed like there was no tomorrow in the tub. Poor little guy! We put on a pullup, played a little, sat on the potty before bed, and both of the little guys are now asleep. I am trying to come up with a game plan for tomorrow. Maybe we'll be outside all day. With the little potty. But no timer. That didn't work for us.
End of the day stats:
3 Successes
12 *Official* Tries
19 Accidents
Here's what I think went right today: He has learned the beginning sensation of pee. He knows where to go when it happens and he goes to his potty when the pee starts to come out. And he helps me clean the pee up off the floor.
I am hoping tomorrow brings an easier toilet time for Jackson and a renewed sense of patience and positivity for me. Off to bed. I'm exhausted.
1 comment:
hang in there ... it gets way better ... don't stress yourself out ... sophia was "pee" trained for about 4 months before she was officially "poop" trained. that takes a whole different set of muscles ... i was really hoping to be done washing diapers completely before this little guy/gal came in sept, but I have resigned myself that over night potty training probably won't happen ... yet .. oh well, what is washing 1 more diaper/day when I will have to start washing another 8-10!! All of this said ... don't be too hard on yourself .. it isn't worth the stress!!!
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