My sweet baby boy is 7 months old!

I couldn't help pulling out Jackson's 7 month picture to compare. When I look at the boys, I don't see the similarity. But when you put them side by side...

same nose...same cheeks...same comb over...
Samuel has "officially" began to do several things...
Sitting up (July 5)

Eat baby food (started June 16). So far he has tried rice cereal, sweet potato, oatmeal, applesauce, pears, prunes, barley, and pumpkin. I think his favorite is pumpkin, but he gulps those pears and prunes down eagerly, too!

He still nurses 5 times a day, too. 7:30a, 10a, 1p, 6p, and 8p. Plus night wakings...usually one full feed divided between two wakings.
Babbling consonants (July 8).
*Sorry for the picture...I was driving and wanted to record the sound...
I swear he said "Mama" twice today. The first time I was working. I heard "Mama" and when I turned to look at Samuel, he was just sitting there smiling at me. Then he said it again at dinner and did the same thing. I am "officially" calling this Samuel's first word. Hear ye, hear ye...the baby speaketh "mama" on July 15th! Way to go, little buddy!
Samuel also "officially" got his very own bed. He has been sleeping in the Pack N Play since he was born, and I decided it was finally time to get him something a bit more comfortable (plus, I took the Pack N Play into my office).

Secretly, I was hoping the new bed would encourage him to sleep through the night. Yes...Samuel STILL isn't sleeping through the night. He usually wakes up twice to eat (one side per waking). Last week, however, he started waking up LOTS. It was mainly because he would roll over onto his stomach and pretend like he couldn't get back over. I say pretend because I know he can roll tummy to back, too. I think he is just too "tired" to do it at night. In any case, it got to be a problem...every 30 minutes kind of a problem...and I started work, so we are practicing a modified version of the Crying It Out sleep training. I didn't let Jackson Cry It Out until he was 11 months. The first night Samuel cried for 5 minutes. I went in and gave him a hug and kiss, and he cried for maybe 8 more minutes before falling asleep. He never cries long. It still doesn't stop him from waking twice a night. Hmmm...he'll outgrow that eventually... I'm assuming :-/
In any case, he is a wonderful baby. He is generally always happy and has a smile for anyone. He thinks his brother is the silliest.

I love that he is finally into playing with toys. His favorite is a set off teething keys. He loves to chew on them and bang them. Of course, he also loves Jackson's cars. Depending on what mood Jackson is in, Jackson may or may not love that Samuel love his cars...
Samuel loves playing games...especially with the baby in the mirror.

I love his beautiful blue eyes, his contagious laugh, and the way he reaches up and touches my cheeks.
I love you, little Sammy!