Well, I finally bit the bullet and went to get Samuel's pictures taken. After realizing that he is 7.5 months old and the only professional picture (yes, just one) I have of him is his newborn picture in the hospital, I decided it was time to document this stage of his life before he is bigger than he already is. We went to Sears Portrait Studio (to be honest, it isn't my favorite place, but they get the job done), and I took Jackson along ready to go just in case he decided he felt like being in the pictures, too. Jackson isn't very cooperative when it comes to being photographed. He never really has been. He pretty much does the opposite of what you want him to do, so I was hoping for one of the two boys together and one of the three of us along with pictures of Samuel. My predictions were right on target...Jackson wasn't into it much, but Samuel was a little ham! I was quite pleased on how the photos turned out. Here are some of my favorites:

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