It seems like I say the same thing every month. IT HAS GONE SO FAST!
I can't believe my baby is 8 months old!
Samuel is a sweet and happy baby. He is always smiling and is content to go with the flow.
Samuel is a sweet and happy baby. He is always smiling and is content to go with the flow.
Just lately Samuel has been getting up on his hands and knees and rocking. I think he'll be crawling before too long! out world! out Jackson!
Just as Jackson did, Samuel enjoys spending his afternoon time in his Exersaucer watching Yo Gabba Gabba chewing on a teething biscuit.
Samuel still isn't the best sleeper, waking twice a night to eat. I believe he is honestly hungry. He doesn't nurse horribly well during the day because he is so distracted with everything around him. He nurses GREAT at night. He nurses 5 times during the day and 1 side each time at 6 times total. In addition, he has cereal for breakfast and fruits and veggies for dinner. He is very picky...he'll only eat food that I make for him. And I still haven't figured out which foods cause him to get constipated. So far I have cut out rice and oatmeal. I am thinking I need to alter MY diet just a bit to include more fiber. But then again, Samuel has never been a frequent pooper. So maybe that is just his thing. Nap times are generally fine as long as he is at home in his bed. He doesn't sleep well on the go...too much to see!
Samuel also has been going to daycare a little bit during the week. I have been pumping like a madwoman, but Samuel REFUSES to take his milk out of anything except for the breast. Brandy has ended up taking the valve out of a sippy cup and pouring my expressed milk little by little into his mouth. I'm not too fussed about it, though. When Samuel starts daycare full time in a couple of weeks, he'll take his 10:00 nurse via sippy cup and I can drive over and nurse him on my lunch hour. That's the good thing about working only 6 minutes away!
When we don't feel like taking a full bath, Samuel takes a mini-bath in the sink. He loves playing in the running faucet water.
He also enjoys sitting in the big boy bath tub splashing about with Jackson.
He has the bluest eyes. Sometimes they catch in the light just so and take my breath away. Those eyes will cause major heartbreak someday!
Samuel doesn't much care for large groups of people. He would prefer to play with just a few. He doesn't like people all up in his face (who does), and loud noises frighten him. When someone waves at him, he smiles automatically.
I love seeing how much he learns and grows every day. He is becoming more interested in playing with toys. He is learning how to bang things together, shake things to make noise, and pull the rings off the pole...but not without a little concentration.
I love how he gets so proud of himself. And when he gets excited he flaps his arms like he is flying.
Most of all, I love how when I walk in a room, his face just lights up, his arms and legs start going, and he squeals in delight. He is such a Mama's Boy. And I cannot get enough of my sweet little guy!
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