22 Weeks and counting...
This week was filled with a bit of...randomness! We began the week with another GymbaROO class and ended it with my students' showcase recital!
At GymbaROO the theme was "orange". Jackson held a real orange and, of course, it went right in his mouth. I swear he read the word "orange" when the teacher came around to show them the word again! He learned how to do baby pushups. His teacher, Beth, commented on how strong he is. We practice them every day and he seems to like being up higher. Jackson's favorite game at GymbaROO is the time we spend with the parachute! He just squeals and tries to grab at it. The little boy next to Jackson this week was 6 months old. Every time his mom put him on his back he would roll onto his stomach and usually roll right into Jackson. I couldn't believe the difference a month made!
Jackson is also so close to sitting up all by himself. He can do it for nearly 30 seconds. He is getting so strong and controlling his body parts really well. He discovered how to rock his rocking chair this week. David and I were cracking up! He was hilarious!
Other random events this week...
Playing with Mommy's Happy Bag:
Shopping... and being comfy while doing it:

And finally, sleeping!

Jackson did so well during my recital today. He just sat with his dad and made not a peep throughout the entire hour and a half. It was smack in the middle of his nap, too! However, Jackson has gone to bed a whole hour early because he was so knackered. Poor guy!
This coming week includes a movie with Bianca and Julian... it's the mum/baby session. We are seeing Up!
No teeth yet... but I think I see teeth bumps...
Ciao for this week!