Hello 5 Month Old Baby! My baby is 5 Months Old! How time flies! I have enjoyed every minute of it and of him and of being a mother. He has grown so much already (I put away some more of his clothes this morning) and it is amazing to watch his little personality develop and discover the world.
Lots has happened this week:
We had our first GymbaROO class. We sang and danced and had lots of Tummy Time. I loved seeing him interact with other babies and it was fantastic to spend an uninterrupted 50 minutes playing with Jackson. The class had about 12 other mothers/babies. There is a theme of the week. Last week it was "brush". I showed Jackson a picture of a brush. He practiced tracking it side to side and near and far. Then I showed him his hair brush which I had brought with me. He took it out of my hands and of course put it straight in his mouth. Then the teacher came around with the word "Brush" printed on a piece of paper. Jackson looked at the word and then the brush and I swear he made the connection. He wanted to hold the hands of the babies that cried and tried to share the balls in the ball pit with them. It was SO sweet. I was such a proud mom! The teacher complemented him several times - once for strong arms and once for successfully tracking a peg going through a tube. He enjoyed most of all the 10 minutes spent in the play yard. There were so many different activities and toy with which to play. He LOVED the ball pit.

When we got home he was so tired he fell right to sleep and stayed that way for 3 hours. We are looking forward to next week's class where the theme is "orange".
Jackson has been practicing sitting up all week. He can sit for almost 10 seconds before toppling. And he is getting there with his tummy time, too. He can get up on his knees and on his hands, but not at the same time.

No mobile baby...yet!
Although, he became temporarily mobile on Friday during nap time. He was asleep on the futon and David and I were downstairs. All of a sudden we heard a terrifying scream... I have never heard anything like it before. I RAAAAAAAAN upstairs to find Jackson on the floor. He rolled off... I didn't even know he could roll from his back. Luckily he was just scared. I think I cried more than he did. And was overcome with guilt that he fell on my watch. David gave Jackson a temporary "Mum" tattoo to show me that he still loved me :)

I am sure that Jackson has started teething, too. His drool is unbelievable though I still can't feel anything under his gums.
And as promised, here is a picture from when we had dinner with the Keats family. Jackson and Julian are best buddies.

Finally, a tummy time video. Jackson can now play with his blocks which frequently find their way to his mouth...even when he is on his stomach. Enjoy and we look forward to your company next week!
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