19 Weeks Old (he is actually 20 weeks old today, but I was slack this weekend and didn't get the 19 Week blog up) and I think he gets cuter every week. Of course, I am just a biased parent :) Thank you Myles for the cute Tommy Hilfiger outfit!
The big accomplishment this week was blowing raspberries! We think it is SOOOO cute... here is a little sample video. He randomly starting doing one night after I finished teaching.
Just for giggles, I let Jackson suck on one of my carrot sticks. His reaction was priceless... "Uh, Mommy... what IS this?!"

The weather has been BEAUTIFUL and we did some mid week sunbathing. He hated the sun in his eyes, but quite liked it when we moved to a shadier spot.

We also went for dinner on Friday to the Keats' house. Bianca and Jon have a son 8 weeks younger than Jackson. They held hands and looked at each other. Jackson played with all Julian's toys. He's obviously got better toys.... Bianca took some great photos of the boys so I'll have to try and remember to get them off of her. Next week, Julian and Jackson (and Bianca and I) are starting GymbaROO classes. I am excited to meet some other Moms and get Jackson involved in some fun activity!
Jackson has been touching David's and my face a lot this week. I think he is learning the difference between mommy and daddy.
And lastly, I couldn't help but post this picture. Jackson's chubby cheeks are so...chubby! And cute.

See ya at the end of week 20!
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