We had a great week. Jackson has gotten really good using his hands. He can hold an object with both hands, hold something in each hand, and transfer a toy from one hand to the other. He also enjoys sitting on my lap during dinner and trying to put his hands in my food. The first time it happened we were having a stir fry heavily seasoned with chilli... David and I both jumped quick to wipe off his hands before he had a chance to stick those spicy fingers in his mouth!
Jackson seems to be getting agitated playing on his back all the time so we bought him a Jolly Jumper. He LOVES it. No matter how fussy he is, when you put him in it he is just all smiles and talks up a storm!
He is quickly figuring out how to maneuver himself around and is quite proud of himself when he does looking up to make sure David and I are watching him.
On Friday we stopped by Jackson's babysitter Mel's 21st birthday party. He looked so handsome! We didn't stay long because it was his bedtime (and it was in a bar), but he was such a good boy and took in everything and smiled at the people he met.
We have been having beautiful weather. Today it was warm enough to try out Jackson's new reusable swim diapers and have a swim in the ocean... or so we thought.

It ended up still being a little chilly so we'll try again next week.

Week 21 brings three new exciting adventures... tomorrow we go to our first GymbaROO class; Friday Bianca, Julian, Jackson and I head down to Sydney to The Baby Show; and Sunday Jackson turns 5 Months Old! Hope you all have a good week!
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