First, Jackson turned 26 Weeks Old

Then Jackson turned 6 Months Old
And then Daddy had a birthday!

Daddy didn't have a birthday checkup, but Jackson did: He is a happy and healthy baby weighing in at 7.45kg (16.5lbs in the 25%); he is 67.5cm long (26.5in in the 50%) and his head circumference is 43cm (17in in the 25%). So he's little, but cute!
It's been an exciting week! We started back to GymbaROO on Monday where the theme was "truck". We, of course, had to go out and buy a toy truck on Monday morning because we didn't have one in the house. His favorite part of GymbaROO is still the parachute. But much to our delight, they had the tub of balls out this week so he and another little girl called Candice played in there during the playtime. Candice had lots of hair, too, so they formed the "Lots Of Hair Club".
Jackson also started swim lessons this past week. We got to the pool a half hour early so I could get my bearings (change room, teacher, what the other babies where wearing, etc). After we got changed, we sat by the pool and watched the class before ours. I have never heard Jackson talk so much! He was so excited to get in! When we finally got in the pool, he wasn't scared at all. He was quite the little fish. He kicked and doggie paddled (I didn't even know he knew how to do that). He put his face under, swam after the toys, and if I weren't fast enough he complained about it. He quickly learned how to splash. He wore floaties on his arm on one around his waist. His teacher, Miss Paula, came around near the end of the lesson and took off his flotation devices in order to do the main bit - she teaches them to swim towards the wall if they fall in. So she sat Jackson up on the wall and then gently dunked him under, turned him around and took him to the wall. He only cried a bit when water got up his nose, but was back to splashing around in no time. We are excited to go back next week.
I didn't get any pictures of him in the pool as I had to be in there with him. But I'll try to get Miss Paula to hold him this week so I can get a picture of him. I did get a picture of him afterward... this is right before he crashed out...I have never seen him sleep so HARD!

We have had lots of tummy time this week. Jackson has figured out how to push up onto his hands. We don't think it'll be long before he's crawling. But who knows because he rolls sometimes by accident, but still never on purpose.

We took advantage of the nice weather and spent a bit of time outside (before 10 and after 4, thank you Australian sun). Jackson thought the grass was so cool...and a little funny.

On Friday morning I taught Jackson how to bang on the pots and pans with a wooden spoon. At first he liked the wooden spoon because it was something new to put in his mouth. But once he saw how cool banging was, he had a ball!! I probably will regret this later, but we had fun banging the morning away.
New food for this week: Oatmeal (yum yum) and Peas. Next week we'll add pears and bananas. I have started him on two meals a day. He still breastfeeds 6 times a day or so. He now eats like a champ - more now goes in then comes out.
Jackson also got to experience a new babysitter this week. Mel is out of town for 4 weeks so Steph came over to look after him. He really liked her - she plays well!
AND I got an honest to goodness laugh Friday night! Without having to work too hard to get it! I was giving him a bath in the big bath tub and he was sitting up playing with his new bath toys (they squirt water).

I was squirting his belly when he started laughing which made me laugh which made him look at me like "What, Mom... what's so funny"... Of course, I squirted him until he got bored and stopped laughing, but it was absolutely delightful!
Countdown until we leave: 35 Days!
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