After four days of rice cereal and no adverse reactions, we moved on to avocado. I dutifully mashed it up and thinned it out with some breastmilk. I gave him his first bite and he just held it on his tongue and looked at me like "GET IT OFF! GET IT OFF!" then spit it out. Me, thinking that this was just him getting used to the new texture and flavor (and most of what he "eats" ends up on his bib anyway), gave him another two bites... the third one resulting in dry heaving!! It was hilarious! He obviously did NOT like the avocado. We will try again later when we can mix it with bananas or pears.
This brings us up to yesterday. I pureed some carrots and he LOVED those! He still is getting the hang of the whole swallowing thing, but he smiles after every bite. And he loves to help me with the spoon. After this morning's carrot brunch I put the remaining glob on his tray for him to explore.

Next week we'll try sweet potato and peas (don't gag, Mom). My friend, Allyson recommended a book called Super Baby Foods which I have ordered. I am anxiously waiting it's delivery. She also makes all of her own baby food for her daughter who is 3 months older than Jackson.
My first week of holidays has flown by. I have had a chance to catch up on a bit of housework and other things that I wanted to get done. And I have had a bit of a chance to reflect on my life. I came across this quote and it has really resonated in my head and heart:
"Making the decision to have a child - it's momentous. It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body" -Elizabeth Stone
That's how it feels. It sounds a bit cliche, but I never knew I was capable of so much love until I looked at my tiny baby. Even when he was in my belly I had no clue. My life changed the moment he was born. I felt it. I love Jackson more than anything in the world - I pray every day that he will be safe and happy. He inspires me to be the best I can be and to look at even the little things with wonderment. I have also found a new appreciation for my family - my mom, dad, sister, nephew, grandparents, aunts, uncles... because I know that it is hard work raising a child, and they all played (and still play) a huge part in my life though I might not have realized it until now. I sincerely want Jackson to grow up feeling secure in the love that is his family now, too.
OK - Enough of the mush....
I bought Jackson a pair of baby sunglasses. He got the opportunity to wear them on the way to Sydney this past week. He was one cool cat....

He still enjoys sitting up and playing. I am loving that he appreciates all of his toys a lot more.

And just lately he prefers to use his feet to hold and pick up things.

Every day he does something new. David and I are constantly in amazement of his development physically and personality-wise. He has recently started recognizing his name. When we call out "Jackson" he turns and looks!
Last night I would say "Kisses For Mommy, Kisses For Mommy" and he would turn his head and suck on my cheek. Then I would give him kisses. This went on for a good 15 minutes.
And here is a new one. Don't know where he got this, but it is hilarious!!!!

I am still on holidays this week and hopefully the weather will be a bit nicer. It has been cold and damp so we haven't been able to spend as much time outside as I would have liked. This week we are having a picnic with Mel and celebrating our 5th wedding anniversary.
Only 50 more days till we leave for our Indiana visit!!
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