What a big week here in the Bennett house!! Who knew week 23 would bring so many incredible milestones?!
Firstly, Jackson is officially sitting unaided! He gets so proud of himself when he is sitting. He plays a little and then looks to make sure David and I are paying attention and just SMILES!

On to milestone number 2 for the week: he had his first laugh last night! It was delightful! We have to work hard to get it out, but it was there. Hopefully I'll be able to catch a recording of it for next week's post. The best sound in the world!!
On Monday, Jackson and I went to do the weekly shopping. We used the shopping trolley with the baby capsule attached for the first time. He showed everyone who would look his feet (he is OBSESSED with them right now). I sure bought a cute baby at Wooly's!!

On Tuesday, Jackson and I went to the last GymbaROO session of this term. The theme this week was "bed". I took his Bed Book that we read every night. Again, he looked at the word "bed" like he knew what it was! So proud! And he cracked everyone up during parachute time. He was squealing so loudly and had his arms and legs up in the air. I love GymbaROO classes and can't wait until next term. He has grown so quickly over the 3 weeks we've been there. It has been good to learn exercises to help him develop and see him interact with other babies.
On Wednesday, we went to the mother and baby session at the movie theater with Bianca and Julian. We saw "Up!" (which I thoroughly enjoyed). It was nice because there were many moms and babies. They left the lights halfway up and turned the sound down. Moms were up rocking their babies and watching the movie. No one worried about the babies fussing. Jackson watched the first 15 minutes with me and then ate and went to sleep.
On Friday, Jackson was taking his nap in our BIG bed. After the last debacle with falling off the lounge I made sure he was the in CENTER of the bed. But alas, about a half hour after I left him to do work I hear screams. Again, he fell off the bed. I have NO CLUE how he got to the edge, but I think he might be waking up to practice rolling or something... or he is a good scootcher... or he can fly.... He was okay. Didn't cry as long this time (me or him)... good thing babies are resilient and bouncy!
In addition to sitting, Jackson has been practicing standing up. He is very good holding on to someone's fingers, but I am working with him to use furniture.

Jackson is finally starting to appreciate his toys. He has figured out that if he shakes his rattles, they will make noise.
We have started putting him to bed a half hour early. And he is now sleeping 11 - 12 hours at night.
And, Holly, this is karma. Do you remember how I used to put Myles' feet in his mouth? Well, Jackson just does this on his own. Everytime I look at him he has his feet in his mouth. HAHAHAHAHA! That's what I get!!

I think that is all from this week. I am officially on a two week break from teaching. It has been very rainy this weekend, but I am hoping it clears up so I can spend some well deserved time with Jackson outside! We leave for IN in 8 weeks from tomorrow. The countdown has officially begun! Stay tuned for next week's blog: Jackson is starting solids tomorrow! I have already used my Magic Bullet to grind organic brown rice in readiness for his first taste of rice cereal. We will probably try avocado at the end of the week as well. Have a good week!
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