Yes, the new thing this week is waving. He loves saying hello and goodbye, and we think his little waves are the cutest! Jackson will play and explore and then look to make sure you are still there. Then he will wave to you. SO CUTE!
So hello (read: wave) to week 40 on the outside!

This week we had our 9 month doctor's visit. Everything looks good. He is 8.75kg (19.5lbs) and 70cm (27.5in) long. Consistently little (25th percentile on both height and weight). Dr Henderson confirmed that he appears to be allergic to eggs. So no more eggs :( He was doing fine with them... but then he started throwing them up. I mean vomiting... with an adult-like stench. What I was told is that the sensitivity was triggered and developed as he was exposed. So we are to cut out eggs until he is 1 and then try again. Hopefully he will grow out of it, but if he doesn't we will deal. If he doesn't, that means no cake, donuts, etc... poor guy. Poor Nana!
We were in the doctor's waiting room for 1 hour (!!) so Jackson played in the children's area. He found this dinosaur that he become quite fond of. Little did I know that he put it in the diaper bag during his play and we walked out with the toy. We have fondly named him "Kleptosaurus Rex".

He LOVES that dinosaur... while I was making baby food, Jackson made dinosaur soup.

All four teeth are in and growing. And I can see numbers 5 and 6 getting ready to make an appearance as well. Doesn't he look cute with his teeth?

We had another hair cut this week. Don't worry his hair is still long. And fun to play with in the bath.

Mel came over and played with Jackson Friday afternoon while David and I went on a date to see Avatar in 3D. If you haven't seen it, go. Seriously. It is the best movie I have seen in a long time. It was one of those activities that when I walked out, I thought "I'll never be able to experience that for the first time ever again", and felt a little sad because of it. Luckily, there is supposed to be a sequel.
New foods this week: plums and cheese. But not together. Ew. And we got our American snacks from Bapa and Nana. Phew! Just in time, too! We were on the last wheat puffs!
Another exciting thing happened this week: Jessica moved in with us! So now Jackson has his older sister in the house! AND... Jonathan is moving in with us next weekend! So Jackson will have both his older brother and sister around! What a lucky baby!
We hope you all have a good week! We love you!