Jackson was a very cute baby and he was learning a lot about the world. This week he:
Played with his friend Mel so his Mommy could work on her Masters. They had a really good time. So good that he fell asleep before Mommy could come out for lunch! (This delighted Mommy as she thought Jackson could only fall asleep if he was breastfed. Problem solved!) (As a side note: Mommy wasn't able to complete her entire chapter in one day so Mel is coming back next week so things can get wrapped up. She's so close she can smell it!)
Went to the beach with Bianca and Julian. The two friends had fun playing in the water.
Played his favorite game, Peekaboo, with Mommy.


Learned how to roll and throw a ball, and then chase after it.
Looked at pictures of his Nana, Bapa, Aunt Holly and Myles back in Indiana.
Read lots and lots of books. Like his Mommy and his Bapa before her, Jackson loves to read books.
Tried some new food including toast with strawberry jam and Gloria Jean's banana bread.
Snuggled with his Mommy while watching a DVD before nap time (this happens to be Mommy's favorite time of day).

Learned what a tree is and points to it when asked. He also learned how to say "tree". Though not consistent, Jackson can now say "mama", "dada", "tree", "book", and "birdie". He calls his teddy "tay" and his cookies "tan". He also points and says "sat" (short for what's that). Jackson's Mommy didn't discover this until swimming lessons this week where they sat for a good 10 minutes near the edge of the pool looking at the fishies on the wall while Jackson said "Sat" and Mommy said "Fishies" and Jackson said "Sat" and Mommy said "Fishies", etc...
Jackson also laughed a lot at his Daddy.

His Daddy is funny. Mommy and Jackson play a game every night before bath time where Jackson takes off all his clothes and then sneaks up on Daddy. Mommy and Jackson scream "naked baby!!!!!" and then they all dance. Jackson gets excited too early and gives it away most times though.
Jackson and Mommy went to the shopping centre and got some impromptu photos taken. The photos don't come back until April 15 (happy tax day). While there, Jackson wanted to say hello to the ladybugs.

On Friday, Jackson had a bad day. First, his Daddy gave him a bodgy haircut. Jackson was a little too wiggly in his chair and the snip snip went bad bad. Not 30 minutes later, Jackson fell and hit his lip on his sippy cup causing a busted lip. There was blood, but between Daddy holding a cloth on it and Mommy putting a piece of ice in the fresh food feeder, the bleeding stopped quickly and there were lots of cuddles. Poor little baby boy!

On Tuesday, Jackson got his 8th tooth. It came through virtually unnoticed (thank you amber teething necklace).
And Jackson and Mommy took LOTS of walks this week. Mommy is desperately trying to regain her pre-pregnancy figure. Only 15 more lbs to go!
Before Jackson:

After Jackson (after already losing 22 lbs):

Go Mommy, Go!
Jackson, Mommy and Daddy had a great week! Did you have a great week?
PS - Go Butler!