I can't believe he is 18 months old. That seems like a milestone to me! I keep referring to him as "baby", and am trying my hardest to stop that as 1) he isn't a baby anymore (although he will ALWAYS be my baby) and 2) he soon won't be the "baby" anymore!
I'll just take a moment to indulge in how much I love this little child. He is amazing. I love the big hugs and kisses I get and he holds my cheeks in his little hands and smiles at me. It is the most profound and pure love I have ever seen in my life and just when I don't think I am possibly able to love him anymore, I love him more every day. I love his growing vocabulary, and am amazed at how much he can understand and well he follows directions and behaves.
This week he has added several words to his vocabulary:
Row-Row (boat - apparently me singing "row row row your boat" every time we see a boat has taken it's toll)
Doles (Myles)
Choo-Choo (train)
Doo (Boo)
Shi-own (Cell Phone)
Night Night
All Gone
Wow (lately he has been saying this in response to looking at my jewelry or seeing the copy machine go)
Ew (he likes his hands and mouth to be clean - he'll say "ew" if he gets messy)
He also sings "Ashes ashes we all fall down!" and his version of the alphabet song (he gets the rhythm and melody... it's the letters that are unique).
He loves to read his Transportation Book and can successfull identify all the car-cars, row-rows, and choo-choos.
Jackson has mastered brushing his teeth all by himself (I do the first minute and then he doesn't do a half bad job doing the second minute - he actually brushes instead of sucking all the nice strawberry toothpaste off the brush!).
This morning when I took him to daycare, all six of his friends were waiting for him at the door. He was so excited to see them and just smiled from ear to ear. I love seeing him interacting with other little ones. Miss Brandy says that he observes everyone a lot of the time. I can tell he is processing what is going on - even with his cousin. He LOVES Myles (calls him Doles) and wants to do what he does most of the time (as seen in this picture - they were "digging for gold" and Myles got a lot dirtier than Jackson...remember Jackson doesn't really like to get dirty...ew...this is why Myles has no shirt on...VERY muddy).
While playing outside one afternoon, we discovered a little catepillar crawling along. Jackson was fascinated!
Jackson and I also finally managed to get Colts gear and enjoyed cheering on our team to victory on Sunday evening.
We didn't make it to the pumpkin patch this week. We are going on Saturday with Holly and Myles. We'll pick out some pumpkins to carve (and toast the seeds...yum) and go on a hayride and through a corn maze. I am also looking forward to some apple cider. I love fall!
Inside baby news:
Here is my 31 week (or is it 33 week) belly shot.
Despite a large watermelon hanging off the front of me, I feel pretty good. I am not sleeping well - due to heartburn (lots and lots and lots and...), pregnancy bladder, hip pains, calf cramps, and pregnancy nose. I remember this happening with Jackson. My mom said it was God's way of preparing me for nights with a newborn. I have finally scheduled the prenatal massage my sister and her family got me for my birthday - come on November 5! I'm ready! Still craving the ice chips which I'm worried is an iron deficiency (though my last iron count blood test came back fine) so I will mention it to the doctor next week. I have also noticed that inside baby will kick kick kick roll roll roll until I go into a choir rehearsal (which I do about 10 times a week with about 6 different choirs). Then he'll get really still and as soon as it's over...kick kick kick roll roll roll. I guess the choral music soothes him! Jackson loved country music (and still does) - he used to dance in my belly. Also, Jackson got the hiccups ALL the time. This one...I've felt them maybe twice. I just love the differences with the boys already, though I hope this inside baby is as easy as Jackson was/is. We'll soon see! I'll know more about when to except this little one to enter the world at next week's ultrasound...stay tuned!
I think that's about it for this week. Enjoy life - squeeze your babies - and ponder this cute little face if life gets you down!