Followed closely by the Smores On A Stick.
He also tried a Pronto Pup (corn dog)
As well as a bit of a deep fried Snickers bar (which he liked) and Puppy Chow (which he didn't like).
Jackson was able to enjoy a couple of rides though I wasn't even allowed on the kiddie rides because apparently pregnant women can't ride ANYTHING!
After three days having fun at the fall festival, Jackson was WORN OUT.
And apparently so was I. After our final day of walking around and sampling all of the goodies (plus the unexpected hot weather), I spent three hours Saturday night having contractions. They were very painful and I did not enjoy those wee hour uterine preparation muscle tightenings. My mom sat up with me and timed them (6 minutes apart) and encouraged me to breathe. I probably should have gone to the hospital, but I didn't. I have since taken care not to overdo it physically and to drink lots of water. The contractions haven't returned.
In other pregnancy news, despite welcoming back my old friends Pregnancy Insomnia, Massive Heartburn, No Energy, Restless Leg Syndrome, and Calf Cramps, I am not feeling too bad. I am slowing down and feel stretched and large. But I can still sleep on both sides and on my back for which I am grateful. Inside baby moves a lot and my only craving is ice chips. I am looking forward to the ultrasound in two weeks.
Back to outside baby...
Here is an updated word list:
He is talking up a storm. His new list of understandable words is quite extensive:
Ho-ee (Holly)
Dut (Duck)
What's this/that
Who is it
Wa-wa (water)
A-shon (Jackson - he calls all babies in photos Jackson)
Ought Oh
Ice Cream
Daw-taw (Bapa)
Ashall (Waffle)
He can pair animals with their sounds:
Oosh (that's what a dog says...)
Oink (he snorts)
Choo Choo (train)
Ah-ah (Monkey)
Roar (Lion or Dinosaur)
Quack Quack
*Makes a Fishy Face when you ask what does a Fishy say*
And I know he understands a lot more because he is so good at following instructions. He really does amaze me!
Jackson is finally feeling better. I ended up taking him to his pediatrician just to check to make sure it was nothing more than a cold. I was mainly concerned about the possibility of Jackson contracting whooping cough from someone at daycare. He didn't, but the pediatrician did say that if he did, he would be fine - it would go away by itself - that he was over the age to where it was dangerous - and they would just give him antibiotics so he wouldn't be contagious. Jackson was just fine - a little dehyrated (which we solved quickly with some Pedialyte), and is now his normal eating, normal playing, normal happy toddler self. I was happy that he was able to use his strong and healthy body to build up an immunity to this cold and fight it himself without any meds. I didn't even give him a fever reducer (I would have had he been uncomfortable or had a high enough fever). But he did it himself. That's the amazing part of the human body! And it strengthens my belief in breastfeeding. He got some amazing nutrients and benefits from 16 months of breastmilk.
Also this week, we spent some time at the library working puzzles,
And checking out books.
We even went miniature golfing. Jackson took delight in hitting the ball but it always went the wrong way so he just helped Bapa out with his putts.
Jackson still loves Elmo. And Elmo loves Jackson.
And I just needed to post this picture of Jackson's new baseball player pajamas. He looks like quite the player, doesn't he?
Finally, Friday is David's and my 6th wedding anniversary. Even though we will be spending this one half a world apart, I would like to wish him a Happy Anniversary! I am grateful for the time we have and do get to spend together and I will be spending the day remembering good times! This has been an interesting year, and I look forward to an exciting future with you and our boys. I love you!
This coming week brings a trip to the pumpkin patch and a hayride. Thanks for reading!
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